Chapter 23: You Have Me

Start from the beginning

Mr. Berman's eyes darted between Rick and myself. "Are you sure? Maybe you shou-"

"I'm positive."

I am so tired and frustrated of being in limbo with this man.

"Can I ask you a question?" Rick spoke. I glanced his way before rolling my eyes.


"How far along are you?" I knew he'd ask anyway.

"8 months," I answered honestly.

"8 months," he repeated, much to my annoyance. "That seems quick, considering my birthday was almost 11 months ago...actually closer to 10 and a half."


"Making you due sometime in July? Which would mean you conceived two months after July 23. That's a little fast to establish a relationship. Unless...I mean, you knew the doctor long before things with us went sour."


"I think the timing's funny. We were together 3 and a half years and don't have any children. Which brings me to my question: Why him?"

"What do you mean?"

Rick chuckled dryly. "Why him? Is there something special about him? Or his phenotype?"

"I'm not an idiot. I know what you're trying to insinuate so stop it."

"Then let me know what the difference is. There's only one obvious characteristic I'm missing. The doctor and I are the same height; have to be around the same weight and age. I know he doesn't have more money than me. What else is left?"

I rubbed my belly feeling more pressure on my uterus. My logical mind was telling me to ignore my soon to be ex husband who was talking out his ass. But my emotional mind was ready to jump across the table.

"Joe is much older than you and you don't know anything about his finances. Maybe he treated me better-"

"Really? He treated you so well that you got pregnant?"

"Accidents do happen."

"They never happened with us. I had to wear a condom every single fucking time but with him it was raw city and accidents. Unbelievable." Rick sighed, running his hand over his short hair. Apparently, I didn't make him wear a condom enough.

"We aren't having this conversation right now," I told him sternly.

"Then when? You don't answer my phone calls or text messages. You rescheduled this mediation twice. When else will I get a chance to talk to you?"

"This may be hard for you to accept but I don't want to talk to you. That isn't a desire of mine anymore."

Rick scoffed leaning forward, resting his forearms against the ebony table. "I just want you to explain to me why you couldn't have my baby. Explain to me why I begged for three years for something you gave away in a few months."

Exhaling, I paused while the familiar tightening feeling returned. I waited until the discomfort passed before turning towards Mr. Berman in my chair. "It was nice meeting you. Can I sign papers today or do you mail them to me?"

"Uh-umm," He stuttered.

"Elle!" Rick shouted like a child without home training. " could you?" I finally looked over at him when I heard his voice wavering.

I'd never seen or heard Rick be so emotional. And maybe it was the fact that I had his offspring tearing up my insides but I didn't feel the least bit sympathetic.

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