"Okay, you can do this. You've done this before Elle, a zombie fight on your own, whilst also protecting a baby. Yeah, piece of cake." I give myself a pep-talk, covering Riley with sheets. Hopefully he stays asleep. All I need to do is keep the zombies outside, if they come inside, I'm completely screwed.

"Elle will be back soon Riley. I promise." I whisper. I close the closet door, feeling a pit of fear bubble in the bottom of my stomach, that I've never felt before. It's deeper, getting stronger, completely taking over me. I burst into Paxton's room, picking up a rifle and checking the magazines. Good thing Gage taught me how to use one of these. I swung it over my shoulder, hooking a grenade around my index finger.

"You can do this Elle, stop being a pussy and get out there. Fight for your home." I say.

I want to wake up and this be a dream. I want to go downstairs and see my Mom and Dad in the kitchen, drinking coffee and eating pancakes. I want to hug my little brother after he paints me a picture. I want it to be normal again.

But my life will never be normal.

The rain sounds like bullets on the roof, causing goose bumps to rise on my skin. It's harder, windier and icier than ever before. I step foot onto the deck, glancing around at the walking dead. They're everywhere, there's too many of them.

I take a deep breath, pulling the lock, I reel my arm back, throwing it into the distance. I hear a loud boom and dirt flies up. Lots of groaning is heard as I make my way onto the grass. Fog has settled, making it 10x harder for me to see. 

Curse the boys for getting a house with a big backyard. 

I don't know when, or how, or why. But I began drilling into everything. I closed my eyes. I just held my finger on the trigger and fired, not even caring anymore. 

"Go back to hell you freaks!" I screamed. They were getting closer and closer. I heard glass break and whipped around, no fucking way they're getting in the house.

I aimed the trigger at the zombies shooting once and then twice, it dropping dead on the porch. I kept firing, walking backwards until my foot hit the porch step. 

Who knows how long I was firing for. It felt like hours. And I was still alone, fighting a war I know I'm not going to win.

When I thought it was over, when I was no longer worried about the rustling of leaves and the emerging of zombies, I was hit from behind. I fell forward, the rifle skidding across the porch, "No, FUCK!" I tried to get up, but I was being held by my ankles. I turned around, zombies were storming the place.

So much for a silent world.

My shoelace was caught on a rusty nail, I tried to get free. I couldn't quite reach the gun. "You're not going to die today Elle." 

But it was no use. I felt like giving up. I am completely and utterly soaked. My clothes are wet with rain, my hair is sticking to my face and I can feel all energy erasing from me. I felt tired, my body is weak, aching. I can't win this, I tried.

When I pulled my leg again, surprisingly I was free. Is this God's way of telling me to get the fuck up and fight.

"NOT TODAY FUCKERS." I screamed, grabbing the rifle and shooting it. I heard the satisfying sound of bodies dropping dead as I backed up, as far away as I could. But I bumped into a chest, I felt the hot breath and the stench of flesh on my neck, "Fuck." I turned around, shooting it in the chest.

But the closeness of the zombie and the force of the rifle caused me to go flying back. I slipped on the wet porch, the gun flying from my hand and onto the grass. I tried to run for it, but I was cornered. Zombie upon zombie was at every angle of me. Behind, in front, beside. I'm done for.

But I spotted a way out, between the legs of he zombies. I began to crawl, being stepped on a few times. I managed to get free and kill a few of the suckers, but I was still being chased.

"Why me God? Why me?" I screamed to the sky, hard, cold rain hitting my face. I could barely see, but I was still shooting. 

Suddenly, a blood curdling scream left my lips. I don't know what happened, but a pain, so deep and fierce lodged itself into my leg. I looked down, falling to my knees, to see a slice as big as my hand. Blood was gushing, running down my leg as mud, dirt and grass mixed in with it.

The tears on my face mixed with the rain drowned out my screams. Is this was war feels like? Not defeating the enemy while you're sick and wounded? Protecting you're own.

Well screw that. I stood up, despite the ever growing pain in my leg I carried on. 

Do it for Alex, Paxton and Gage, so they have a home to come back too. Do it for Riley, so he can grow up in a world without zombies, not having to know the pain and heartbreak of killing someone, shooting your own in the middle of the hid, right between the eyes.

I shot the last of them, black blood dying the grass and the porch as the rain washed away on the concrete. Just when I thought it was over, I heard the rumbling of a van and I looked up, seeing Alex and Gage. Where's Paxton?

"Elle? Elle we need you?" Alex screamed my name.
"I'm here, I'm here? What's wrong?" I called out, over the rain, Limping towards the van, Gage opened the door. I almost broke down at the site in front of me.

Paxton was lying on the van floor, covered in his own blood, unconscious.

Just when I thought the worst was over.

It's just getting started.

* * * 


don't hate meeeee

also, who do you like elle with? alex or paxton? or gage? hehehe

happy reading :)

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