Akari's Ending: I'm Your Monster And Yours Alone

Start from the beginning

He may have said that, but he knew he would never share the story with the girl. For once she was home safe and sound, supported by the money he gave her parents to relocate and attend school, he would disappear from sight. Even watching her from afar was too much for him to take. He knew the crimes he'd committed against humanity, and while he didn't regret any of his kills, he wanted to repent for that. And there was only one thing painful enough to punish himself with. He had to stay away from his goddess no matter what.

The two of them walked a sufficient distance through the forest before a car could be seen in the near distance, two bluenettes waiting eagerly to see their childhood friend return safe and sound. Akari didn't mention his surprise. It was better that she was suspicious of him and his motives. That way, she wouldn't wish for him to remain with her. He would simply vanish and that is how it should be.

"Akari," (Y/n) smiled, "Thank you for everything again."

"No problem," he said, the sadness he felt overcoming him although he tried to suppress it.

"When you're able to," the girl paused, "Promise me you'll come and share some blueberry ice cream with me."

The boy couldn't take it anymore. He snapped. Taking the gun that he had brought with him, he rushed over and placed it to Tadashi's head, greatly surprising everyone involved. Akari's tears streamed down his cheeks as he cried loudly, showing his intent to kill the bluenette. He was so jealous. Jealous of Tadashi, of Yoru, of Narahashi, and of anyone else that she would ever encounter again. He hated it. He couldn't stand it.

"Get it into your head, (Y/n)!" Akari sobbed, "I'm not a good guy! If it takes me killing yet another person to tell you I'm a murderer, then so be it! But you are not going to show me kindness again! I'm the last person who deserves it! I'm more worthless than a slug!"

"Let him go!" Yoru said, running over to get the gun out of the blonde's hands.

He froze when Akari shot a bullet by his feet and then pointed it back at Tadashi, proving that the gun was, indeed, loaded, and primed for killing. Tadashi shook as the barrel was pressed to his head, his fear overcoming every ounce of him. Yet (Y/n) only stared with a soft grin, making Akari's finger hover over the trigger. Yoru looked from side to side, trying to think of anything that could be used to stop the blonde, but nothing could be done.

"Akari," (Y/n) called quietly, stepping forward and placing her hand on the gun, but not moving it, "You're not that selfish."

"Of course I am," the blonde growled, grabbing his gun from her grasp and pressing it back against Tadashi's temple, "I'm so selfish that I have to keep you to myself. I have to feel hate at others for taking your time. I have to kill anyone that would dare to hurt you."

"You're only looking out for me," the girl stated, "What have you done for yourself?"

"I-I kept you!" the blonde cried, "I didn't try to stop the others!"

"But you didn't help them either and you helped me escape. I don't think - "

The (h/c) haired girl didn't get another second to speak before she was held by Akari, the gun pressed to her head. He gritted his teeth before a disturbing smile spread across his features and he began laughing hysterically. He interlocked his fingers with (Y/n)'s and pressed a kiss to the back of her hand, smirking wider as he looked at the gun. He was going to kill her. He was going to kill himself. He was going to do something reaching far beyond his morals all for the sake of selfishness.

"I'll take you with me," Akari smirked, "We'll die together. How does that sound, goddess? If I'm not selfish, then I can do this, can't I?"

Tadashi and Yoru began to freak out, doing anything they could to get the blonde off of the girl, but he only pushed them away and continued to hold the gun to her head. The tension between the two was so high that it scared nearby animals, sending them running further into the forest in fear of the blonde. Yet he only remained paralyzed, focused on the act of killing the girl before offing himself as well.

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