Chp 52- I do

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Disclaimer: I do not own hunter x hunter, I only own my characters which are the ones not mentioned in any hxh series.

Dress type= (y/dt)
Today was the day.

The day I will forever cherish and keep as a memory.

It was 8 am and I was currently with my kids getting them ready. Shalnark and Phinks practically dragged Feitan out of the house.

I was currently in Ahmyas room doing her hair.

"Ow mommy stop!" She yelled

"Ahmya calm down im almost done" I said getting angry

"There im done now time to change."

She got up and I went over to her closet and took out the dress. It was a burgundy puffy dress with sparkles on it along with a white cardigan.

"There all done! look Ahmya you look so beautiful!"

"Pretty!" She said happily. I gave her a quick peck and went over to the boys room.

"Ok who wants to go first"

"Me!" Akio yelled

I grabbed the gel and started doing his hair to the side. Both boys were wearing a black suit with a white button up and a burgundy vest along with a bow tie.

"My boys look so handsome!" I said

I called all three of the kids and took many pictures.

"(y/n) you need to get ready" Machi said

"Wow don't you three look good" Machi said to the kids

"Don't get dirty play with your toys" I said and walked over to my room

"Paku is doing your makeup and i'll be doing your hair" Machi said

"Where is Shizuku?"

"She said she'll take care of the kids" Pakunoda replied

They both started getting to work. After about an hour Machi was done and Paku was doing some finishing touches.

"You look great" Pakunoda said

"Thank you" I replied

"Lets get your dress on"

I took off the robe and started slipping the dress on. I kept the necklace Feitan had given me because if I were to take it off I would've not made it through my wedding.

I finished putting on the veil and looked at myself in the mirror.

"Don't cry don't cry don't cry" I said tearing up

This was really happening. I was getting married to the love of my life. I walked out of the room and down the stairs.

"(y/n) you look so beautiful!" Shizuku said

"You look stunning" Machi said

"Wow look mommy's a princess!" Ahmya yelled

"Thank you thank you, you all look great" I said

Im happy.

"I need to grab something ill be back" I said

There was a knock on the door.

"I'll open it" Pakunoda replied as she walked over to open the door

It was Chrollo.

"You three look great" He said to the girls

"Thank you boss"

"Look what we have here you three also look great" He said to the kids

"Hey Chrollo!" I said coming down the stairs.

"(y/n) you look gorgeous!" He said taking my hand

"Thank you, not bad yourself"

"Shall we go before you're late?"

I nodded and we all started to exit the house. We were all in the car and after a couple minutes we were at the wedding venue.

"Are you ready?" Chrollo asked me

"Ready as i'll ever be"

The doors opened and in went Ahmya with the flowers. Music ringing the room and I locked arms with Chrollo, walking down the aisle. All my friends were in the room some crying and some cheering me on.

I looked forward and saw my husband to be standing there in his suit. I could have sworn I saw a smile.

I was finally infron of him and held his hand. We just couldnt look away from eachother.

The person who was conducting the ceremony was the one and only Nobunaga.

"We will begin"

After a couple of words from Nobunaga, my two boys came in with the rings

"The husband may start his vow"

"With this ring me will take you to be me wife infornt of all these witnesses, with this ring me ask you to be mine"

He said and put the ring on my finger.

"The bride may start her vow"

"I take you as you are and with this hand I will take your sorrows. We can gaze into the stars and sit together now and forever for its plain and simple as anyone can see we are meant to be"

I said and put the ring on his finger

"Ladies and gentlemen, I announce (y/n) Portor and Feitan Portor as husband and wife, you may now kiss your bride"

With no hesitation he pulled me in and gave me a loving rough but passionate kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed back.

There was cheering and whistling in the background.

He let go and I took his hand into mine I made my way over to the troupe who were taking care of the kids and gave Ahmya, Kosuke and Akio each a kiss. I stepped back and made my way to exit the building.

*time skip to the party*
There was people dancing and some eating. The kids were running around playing with the other kids. My friends were coming up to me and congratulating me.

"Congratulations (y/n)!" Helen said coming up to me and gave him a peck and a hug

"Thank you so much" I said

"I knew you could do it I love you very much and I hope nothing but the best for you."

I thanked her and left her alone

After I was finally left alone. Feitan grabbed my wrist and pulled me up the stairs of the venue and into the balcony. There was no one around

"How does my new last name sound?" I asked smirking at him

"Not bad" He said and pulled me by my waist. My arms were around his neck

We gazed into eachothers eyes. 

"You look beautiful" He said

I couldnt believe what I was hearing

"You always do don't forget you're mine"He said

"I love you" I said

"Me love you too."

The End
The story has now been completed. Thank you so much to everyone who read my story it really means so much to me I really enjoyed writing this. Once again thank you byeee I love you all ! <333

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