Chp 21- Date

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Disclaimer: I do not own hunter x hunter, I only own my characters
"it's 5:30 we need to get you ready"

"Oh shit I forgot"

After an hour of Machi fixing my hair and Pakunoda doing a little bit of makeup, I went to the bathroom to get dressed.

Once I was officially ready I looked at myself in the mirror

'Wow they really did a good job I could never do this on myself'

"(y/n) are you done? we want to see" Shizuku said

"Oh yea"

Once I opened the door they just stared at me with wide eyes

"D-do I look bad?"

"No! you just left us a little shocked" Machi said

"Is that a good thing?"

"Yes now hurry it 6:56"Pakunoda replied

I made my way down the hall to go to Chrollo's room just to bump into Feitan.

Feitan pov
Me saw someone from distance until they came closer and saw it was her. She looks beaut-

"(y/n)!??? IS THAT YOU???"

"Hey Shal!"

Tsk stupid brat why did you have to be here

"Wow you look so good! where are you going?"

"Oh uh"

"We're going on a date" Chrollo said behind us

"So she's the lucky girl!??"

"Yes she is"

Me turn to me side to see the boss in a tux. Me cannot take this


"Oh hello Feitan are you still mad?"

"Mad?" she asked

Me ignored and started walking towards her

"Don't go stay here"

Me feel her tense up

"Woah Feitan calm down lets go get some drinks with Phinks" he grabbed me and started pulling me away.


"Perfect! see ya later have a good date!"

(y/n) pov
What was that about? im just glad we weren't alone although I feel kinda sad. What am I saying its Feitan.

"You look beautiful" Chrollo said taking my hand giving it a gentle kiss.

"Thank you, not to bad yourself"

"Should we get going?"

"Of course"

He put out his arm and I gratefully accepted it. We started walking down the streets of YorkNew until we stopped by a resturant.

"You shouldn't have Chrollo, I would've been ok going to a less expensive resturant"

"No its my pleasure"

He pulled my seat out and I sat down.

"I've been wanting to know more about you so tell me about yourself"

"Well there isnt much to tell but im from Meteor city and im currently 19 years old"

"I am also from meteor city"

"Oh really? thats cool"

"Yes Machi, Paku, Feitan, Nobunaga and Uvo are from there aswell"

"That's funny, everyone know's eachother there and I just happend to not you all, How old are you?"

"I am 26"

"Oh 8 year difference thats why I didnt see you"


"How old are the others?"

"Hmm not sure why don't you ask them? get to know them better"

"You're right I should it's kind of hard especially with one person who is just so difficult to understand"

"Let me guess Feitan?"


Feitan pov:
Tch me need to go see what they doing she mine-
what is me saying? not me buisness

"Hey Feitan whats up with you? lately you seem more mad than usual" Phinks said


"Perhaps he has a crush on (y/n)~" Shalnark added

"Shut up! Me dont have crush on NOBODY!"

"Im joking either way she's going to be somebodys soon"

"Tch no"

"Feitan... she's on a date. She is soon going to be with someone soon."
Hello everyone i'll update in the next hour I need to finish the rest of the chapters I promised but here is the first one!

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