Chp 17- Boss pt 2

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Disclaimer: I do not own hunter x hunter, I only own my characters
"Would you like to get to know eachother?"

"Um sure why not?" I said with a cheerful tone

"You know, you're very beautiful (y/n). I can't seem to get my eyes of you"

"Oh thank you, you're not bad looking yourself"

"(y/n) lets go out somewhere just you and me"

"Like a date?!"

"Yes as a date"

"um uh sure?"

"Great tomorrow, be ready by 7 p.m"

He leaned in closer and whispered in my ear

"And if you want you can bring what you're wearing right now~"

My face turned a bright red

"Um im superrrrr tired I think im going to head back-"

"I'll walk you"

"Oh no no, its fine really"

"No I insist lets be together a little bit longer"

"Ok then"

We got up and he opened the door. We talked for a bit longer while we walked to my room. His presence was rather calming. I wish I could feel this everyday. Little did I know someone was watching from a far.

"Goodnight (y/n) get some rest, ill see you tomorrow" he said as he kissed the back of my hand

"Goodnight Chrollo, sleep well"

He turned and started to head towards to the stairs. I stood there for a bit watching his shadow fade away in the dark. I entered the room and saw Machi was on my bed. Shizuku was already asleep

"(y/n)! where were you?" Machi asked

"I was talking to the boss"


"Hey no cut it out!"

"Im joking (y/n), anyway what's all this on your bed?"

"Its my sewing supplies"

"Oh are you making something?"

"Yea something like that"

"Thats pretty cool, I guess we have something in common. I'll leave you alone now, goodnight (y/n)"

"Goodnight Machi"

I sat by a window and stared out of it. All I could see was desert and ruined buildings. It reminded me if my home town. Before I could start reminiscing I got up and headed towards my bed. I decided I should probably start the tuxedo before I run out of time.

Feitan pov
How dare they do this to me? (y/n) is MINE. Me will remind her who she belongs too. Me no like to share and me will not share. Me started to head to the boss room until pesant got in my way.

"Yo Feitan let's go get some drinks" Phinks said

"No me busy"

"Busy? doing what following her around again?"

"What!? No! me no like her she annoying and ignorant"

"Mhm sure, say do you think she would want to go on a date with me?"

"Dont. Get. Near. Her"

"Haha im messing around, that proves it, you like her~"

"What!? no!"

"Phinks, Feitan what are you guys doing?"

It was the boss. Me glared at him and he seemed to notice. All he did was smirk

"Me and Feitan are going to get drinks, wanna come boss?"

"Me not going"

"Sure let's go I need to get a gift and a new suit anyway"

"What for?"

"I have a date tomorrow"
This was superrr bad im sorry but hey posting once a week is actually working out for me. I'll probably start doing that until I have time but anyway thanks for sticking by stay tuned~

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