Chp 10- Interrupting

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Disclaimer: I do not own hunter x hunter, I only own my characters
His words kept ringing in my head. He made me feel so tingly. I better keep my distance.

"You can have that side of the room"

"Ok thank you"

Shizuku was really sweet. I could already tell we were going to be good friends. I hope to get along with other girls.

"How did you meet Shalnark (Y/N)?"

"Oh a few months ago we were on the train together. He sat in the same compartment as I did. He was going to take the hunter exam"

"Oh thats pretty cool who knew you would see eachother again"

"Yea im kinda glad since I don't really know anyone here"

"Well since we are going to be room buddies we might as well get to know each other"

"Thats a good idea maybe you can give me some type of advice"

"Sure, well like I said im Shizuku, im 19 and im a conjurer. In my spare time I like reading and playing cards sometimes"

"Im (Y/N), im 19 and im a specialist. I like sewing, reading and (things you like)"

"Wow we're the same age yet you're pretty short. You have very nice eyes"

The height thing made me kinda mad but I couldnt change it which sucked but luckily I had my platforms. If only she knew about my eyes.

"T-thank you" I smiled at her and she returned it

"Well what do you want to know about the troupe?"

"well what is it exactly? how are the memebers like?"

"Well let me just put it this way 'we are thieves we take what we want' and about the other memebers dont worry, they'll warm up to you which im sure will be soon, you seem friendly and I see Feitan took a somewhat liking to you"

"Huh!? No no no I highly doubt that"

"From what i've seen im pretty sure you did, he did carry you all the way over here. He would and will never do that in his life and he's been starting at you the entire time you showed up"

He brought me all the way back here?... I don't know what to say to that

"He GLARES at me not STARES and he has been threatning me the whole time so thats that"

She giggled "Whatever you say, here ill take you to meet the others"


You were presented with everyone and made small talk with them. You instantly clicked with Uvogin which you were happy about but a certain someone wasnt.

Feitan's POV
Why she talk to everyone but me. She should be talking to me. She hasn't looked at me once at all. Wait why am I getting mad over some stupid girl when she made me look like fool. Me will punish her. Wait shes gone.
Your POV
I decided to take a walk to explore the place

"Huh who knew shrimp would do such thing, I havent known him for long but I know this isnt true" I kept walking until I was pinned on the floor

"Get off of me!"

"Quiet, why you leave?"

"That is none of your buisness shrimp!" He suddenly wrapped his hand around my neck squeezing it

"Let go!"

"You not allowed to leave"

"Why the hell not? who are you to tell me what to do?"

"I said you not allowed to leave" his face was much closer to mine we locked eyes.

"She has nice eyes, pretty" He thought to himself

Our faces were getting closer every time until he pulled me in and before I knew it our lips were locked together. My first kiss was taken by this guy. It was a rough kiss but what did I expect. This was to soon.

"(Y/N) are you ok? you just left and didnt say anything have you seen Feitan-"

You and Feitan snapped out of the moment and looked over to see Shalnark and Phinks

"Are we interrupting"

"SHUT UP!" Feitan yelled and left quick I just sat there

"(Y/N) are you ok? your face is red"

"Y-yea i-im f-ine, I have to go see ya!" I ran out of the situation as fast as I could.

I ran straight to my room and layed down on my bed

"Something wrong (Y/N)?" Shizuku said

"No no e-everything is fine im going to s-shower"

She gave me a confused look. Before she could say anything else I went in the bathroom and started my shower. I undressed and got in.

Oh boy what have I gotten myself into.
Hey everyone im still trying to figure out my schedual.  I will be posting more chapters I will finish the book, thank youu muah

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