Chp 33- Help

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Disclaimer: I do not own hunter x hunter, I only own my characters which are the ones not mention in any hxh series.
Your pov
He looked at me and just nodded. He looked super annoyed. I understand that im in the most wanted troup in the entire world but when it comes to children I can't help it. The little girl was no longer crying she was resting her head on my shoulder. She was asleep. I didnt notice how a certain someone was glaring at her. Once we were farther in the village I was began asking everyone if they've seen the girls mother. We finally stopped at a small red tent.

"Excuse me" I said

"Yes may I help you?"

"Have you seen this girl's mother?"

The old woman had wide eyes and had rage in her eyes

"Yes I am the grandmother of this little girl where did you find her?"

"I was at the entrance of the village and she bumped into me calling me her mother. I was concerned and decided to look for the mother"

"Thank you so much young lady. Ive been trying to take responsability and custody for her due to her mothers neglectance and absence. Once again thank you and your boyfriend. You will be great parents one day" she said with a smile

Parents? I thought to myself and then it hit me. I turned to see him next to me. My face was flaming red of embarrassment

"u-uh um w-well we a-arent exactly together"

"what was that dear?"

"o-oh nothing have a great day t-take care"

why does stuff like this keep happening?

"So um we need to find the tent"

"Its over there" He said

I looked up and saw the grey tent. It was the only grey one here. It took us a while to get through the crowd. We finally reached the tent and opened the flap. For a small looking tent it was rather big on the inside. There wasnt anyone in sight. I saw a bell on one of the counters and decided to ring it. Feitan was waiting outside. It took a while to get him to stay outside.

"Who are you? I have never seen you guys before" a voice said

"Hello Lucifer sent us" I didnt know where he was until I felt a hand on my shoulder I turned around and saw a man with a white cloak.

"Ah Lucifer, I see. What can I do for you?"

"I was told you could remove curses and negative energy"

"Mhm go on"

"And I was wondering if you could help me remove or break mine"

"May I ask why you are pupiless dear"

I couldnt answer that because I really didnt know myself.

"Well im not sure either sir"

"Is it maybe because this curse makes everyone it comes connection to like that? Is it because as each generation goes by this curse gets stronger? The witch who made your family like this really had no mercy but I wouldnt blame her since he never fulfilled his end of the deal"

I stood frozen how does he know?

"Fallen Angel is what it is. If you're asking how I know well that witch was the witche who taught me everything I know today. An evil witch who everyone despises till this day, including me. You don't know the truth and it should be kept that way for your safety and the next generation coming soon"

"Understood, could you please help me remove this curse?"

"Usually I say it comes with a price but from what I saw earlier today I will make an exception"

"Thank you so much sir but are you referring to the little girl?"

"Yes that little girl is my grand child and im just glad to know she is now in good hands. Her safety is more than enough"

"Thank you that means so much"

"Yes, now could you ask the young man to come with us, the one you told to stay outside"

"Oh yes of course"

I made my way outside and saw him sitting on a rock and looked up towards me

"He wants you to come inside" He nodded and stood up. The cloaked man lead us to a dim lighted room that had many books and a small table.

"Sit in front of the table please, you too young man"

Once he got everything ready he explained the entire procedure. Feitan was called in just in case things went wrong. The ritual went on for about an a hour. My energy was completely taken away leaving me in a deep slumber. But in return I was finally free.

I felt light hit my face so I began to slowly open my eyes.

"Finally you awake" he said

"What are you doing here? where am i?"

"Village hospital" he said

"How long was I out for?"

"5 days, now get up and change"

"Feitan whats your problem? I barely woke up and you're already treating me this way?"

Before he could respond the door opened

"Hello miss I am your nurse and im glad to see you're doing well and finally awake, how do you feel?"

"Im fine just feeling tired"

"Here eat this. As well drink this, it will help you with your bones and muscles. Once you're done please let me know and you'll be free to go"

I nodded and began to eat. The drink tasted horrible but if I would be able to walk then I should be fine.

I was finally discharged and were now on our way back to real surface. We had to leave from the same way we came in. It didn't take us long to get back onto real land. It was a going to be a long way back to the base.

She's Mine || Feitan x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang