chapter seven

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"The same arms that held me close were the same arms that broke me."


I lay on my bed and stare into the ceiling.

My job is to take out seven dangerous criminals.

I worked so hard to reach to the top to get near them. And yet..

I don't think they mean what they do.

Your head darts to the door when a knock is echoed into the room.


You freeze. It's Namjoon's voice from outside your room.

"I know you're mad at me. I don't blame you. But please, you have to listen to me."

You can hear the break in his voice. His pleads is so loud even in the silence.

"I.. I don't want to see you right now."

Namjoons POV

I felt a throb in my heart. The girl that I fell in love with is pushing me away.

I can't love her.

Sometimes understanding how to let go is loving someone from a distance.

I walk away from Y/n's room and into the dining hall.

I sit down and stare into the walls.


I regain my focus and see that it is Yoongi calling to me while entering the room.

"I came to talk to you about something."

"What's wrong hyung?"

"You need to stop yourself before you get too deep in this."

There was a pause before Yoongi hyung continued.

"You need to stop yourself from loving Y/n. She's just one of the many disposable people on our hands. She's nothing more than a secretary who does the labour work."

Yoongi hyung was right. We are nothing more than a gang who makes illegal money.

"If you get too deep with Y/n, your actions will have consequences."

Yoongi hyung left the room and I can feel close to nothing inside.

My whole body is cold.

Y/n's POV

It's been hours after Namjoon left me alone. It's currently 7:47pm, almost time for dinner.

I get myself fixed up in the bathroom and leave my room.

I go into the kitchen to see Jin with a apron on cooking.


Jin doesn't even turn around, eyes remaining on the pan sizzling but can identify me without turning around.

"H-How did you know it was me?"


That's actually a bit scary and creepy.

"How are you feeling?"

"I.. I don't know."

"I know that what you heard on that afternoon wasn't what Namjoon wanted to say. I hope you know that."

"But.. Aren't I just one of the many replaceable people anyways."

"Listen Y/n. I know Namjoon just like this chicken that i prepped all around. He's more transparent than you think. Just give him a chance."

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2020 ⏰

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