chapter four

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"On this night, I had cried so much I fell asleep on his chest, I had heard the sounds of him. Sounds of his heartbeat. His heart was racing."



My eyes popped open quickly; getting scared my breathing fastens from the suddenly wake up call.

I check the time and it's only 5:18 A.M, where are we possibly going?

I quickly get dressed and head out my door and quickly and see Hoseok running door to door and banging loudly at each door.

Door-by-door each door opened and each member came out.

As Hoseok was running down the halls, all we hear in the distance was, "Get to the rooftop, we're taking the helicopter to the imports destination."

As Hoseok was running back he clicked on the elevator button going up, the eight of us stood at the door.

The light indicated the elevator was here and the doors had opened, eight of us moved inside.

The elevator was a bit too small to hold all eight of us and I was standing in the very far corner with V facing me.

My head was in between his hands that were beside my head at each side.

He was trying his best not to crush his body onto mine with the cramped space available.

V tried to not make any eye-contact by looking away but it didn't help that if he looked in another way it would just be at a head at the back of someone else.

I looked down to my feet as I didn't want to risk making eye-contact.

It was too early for that in the morning, I can't be ogling over a guy at 5 A.M.

For what felt like an eternity the elevator stopped and the doors opened. As the people went out V had put his hands down from the wall.

"Y/n I'm really sorry about that. If I moved I was sure you would've gotten hurt."

He was so considerate, I felt the butterflies in my stomach starting to form.

I told him not to worry about it because it wasn't like he was trying to do anything, and we both started to talk more and we walked to the helicopter together.

The way the helicopter seats were arranged were that the seats were put into pairs, and V had offered to sit together which I happily complied.

The interior of the helicopter was breathtaking. There was a minibar in the centre of the structure and the seats were distributed on both ends.

The floor was covered in a soft carpet while the reclinable seats were made of leather.

At the back of each seat there were T.V screens that were imbedded in the leather.

We got on-board the helicopter and took a seat on the chairs.

V sat beside me and we made small talk when the helicopter started to arise high.

The helicopter took off in the north direction where it felt much colder, I could feel it in the air. It didn't help that I was wearing a skirt and a dress shirt as dressing professionally was in the dress code policy.

I was shivering quite a bit until V stood up and took off the jacket he was wearing and put it around me.

"Won't you be cold then V?"

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