chapter six

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I took a seat at the table along with the rest of the boys, today for breakfast; Jin had made sunny side up eggs, bacon— glistening with a shine of oil, a side of salad, that's topped with tomatoes and diced fruits as the side.

"Wow Jin, this looks amazing!" Jungkook said impressed

"I know it's amazing because worldwide handsome made this, therefore making it worldwide amazing."

The table went silent.

Hoseok interrupted to break the silence at the table, "Moving along—"

Namjoon who was sitting beside me looked at his palm and rubbed it a little, it was like he was feeling the remanence of the left over skin contact we had.

We all started to enjoy the breakfast and took our dishes to the sink and headed over to the conference room for a group discussion on our next case.

Namjoon had instructed that Jimin, Yoongi and I head over to investigate an ex employee of BigHit who had been apparently leaking confidential information of the corporation to other big companies for money.

Our goal was to find him, and eradicate him from the face of earth.

For what people will do for money;  money cannot buy happiness they say.

What is happiness?

A prolonged euphoric feeling that will later become an endless cycle of yearning for the next feeling?

I packed my laptop away and headed out with the two boys in the SUV, so many things crossed my mind.

Yoongi was driving while Jimin sat in the shotgun.

We pulled up to a small warehouse and in the distance we see a figure entering the doors, disappearing inside.

We parked the car near the tall grass that covered the large automobile and headed in.

Jimin and Yoongi both get their guns out and didn't let their guard down, even at the entrance.

Yoongi slowly approached the man behind and chopped his neck with his hand and he fell over losing consciousness.

Jimin tapes his arms and legs around a chair and sets him in the middle of the warehouse.

The man wakes up and seems calm about his current situation.

Jimin cocked his gun, "Yoon jiwoo, you know why we've come to you correct?"

Jiwoo looked up, not saying a word.

Yoongi took out some paper files and looked through the information.

"According to this you've been snooping around while working for us and been leaking confidential information and selling it to other competing companies— and we can't have that can we?"

Jiwoo scoffed, "And what are you gonna do about it?"

Yoongi held his gun at Jiwoos head, his finger on the trigger.

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