chapter two

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"How do we know we can trust her. We know absolutely nothing about her."


"Can I help you?"

My mouth and legs froze, the only thing moving was my dilating eyes. Seven of the most deadliest criminals; and I'm in their presence.

One guy was looking over another smaller males body and his eyes widened.

"Hey aren't you the miss that fell over on the steps today?"

I looked towards his direction, he was the male that was all smiley towards me at the front door at the lobby.

My words choked up in my throat, I felt my legs weaken. The only movement I could do was to only nod my head.

"Namjoon this is the newly recruited secretary you've been seeking for the past month. If she's not to your liking you know who to call."

The tester that was standing beside me had left the room; quicker than I could possibly comprehend.

The man that sat in the centre of the conference table reached his hand out to shake my hand, as I was about to shake his hand until the male sitting at the end of the table with his legs on top took out a gun and pointed it at me.

"How do we know we can trust her. We know absolutely nothing about her."

"Haha Yoongi-hyung; someone that looks ever so basic couldn't possibly be much of a threat, and we need brains on the team, and definitely she carries that."

"Jeon Jungkook, you were not asked for your opinion."

"Now— It's all part of the learning process, Yoongi, Jungkook, Jin." Namjoon sighed.

Namjoon had grabbed my hand that I was going to shake to shake it.

"Nice to meet you—"

"Y/n" I finished.

"Y/n welcome to our team, this is Yoongi, the male who pointed the obscene weapon at you, Jungkook on the right, beside him is Jin, the one that silenced Jungkook, V on the left, Jimin and Hoseok."

That's a lot of faces to take in. The world has never seen these seven faces and here I am seeing this. I don't think I can 'unsee' this.

Namjoon looks at a paper package, and flips through a few pages.

"You've managed to score a perfect 100 on the exam; something nobody ever recorded in the company has been able to accomplish."

I looked away after making eye-contact and I felt my ears heat up. His gaze was luring, something I shouldn't look too deep into because the abyss will only be the one pulling me down from the ground.

"See I'm telling you haha she has the brains."

Jin only looked at Jungkook, which Jungkook  quickly looked away in another direction whistling.

"Your job will be you writing out notes on our conference meetings and doing reports with the company's given laptop." Namjoon explained.

He pointed to a seat at the table and the screen behind where Namjoon was sitting lit up. It had information of large numbers, and graphs. Namjoon opened his mouth once more to speak.

"Yoongi will take on from here."

Yoongi put his feet off of the table and stood up. He walked to the front of where the screen was and started explaining. I conducted a document on the company's laptop and typed away.

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