Ch.1 The Prison Difference

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(Perfect World by: Ryan Caraveo- ah ha ha ha— this book is gonna be obviously not for the innocent! Its clean yes, but it has its dirty! And sorry to say but there will be no warnings so expect the unexpected people! Enjoy!!)

3rd POV

The sun shined down on the city of Los Santos. A special someone was running her prison the way she liked it and a special gang just set themselves up for the worst. It was hard to believe that this prison was the number one most suggested and best prison ever.

Why you ask? This prison has never had any escaped convicts, attempted escapes, deaths of security officers, fights, abuse of convicts, rape, or anything that would constrict my position as a warrant.

Who am I? Im Y/N L/N. And this is how my life went from Number One Warrant In The World to Who The Fuck Hired A Serial Killer For A Prison....


The day began and I was in my warrant uniform as I got to Los Santos Prison.

"Morning Y/N." Tommy greeted

"Morning tommy!" I greeted the green eyed male.

Tommy was chubby, had green eyes, was at least 5'4 and was a cheerful kinda guy. I was let in and smiled as all the convicts were roaming around the cafeteria freely with lively chatter.


They all turned to me and cheered. What were you expecting? Sad, horrible, run down and a pathetic prison? Tch, you thought wrong.

Anyways, yeah! My prison is secretly run differently! Its more fun and better for them but they're still trapped here, sadly. But besides that, my more closes convict friends came to me.

"Hey mama bear!" Carl said

Carl had orange dyed hair, blue eyes, light skin, skinny but buff, and a tattoo of his old gang on his right bicep as his orange jumpsuit sleeves were folded up to his shoulder.

"How's the husband, mama!" Tyron asked

Tyron had black braided hair, dark brown eyes, dark skinned, skinny but buff as well, and his orange jumpsuit was like carls though he wore a red bandanna around his head with the point facing up.

"Yeah mama, how's the old grumps!" Terry asked

Terry had blonde hair with platinum streaks, hazel nut eyes, sun kissed skin, was a brute kinda guy, and his orange jumpsuit had its sleeves down.

They were the three amigos who had my back with the news guys.

"Hey guys! And Andrews doing alright, he got a job as lawyer now too so some of you guys might be able to get a second chance to get out of here!" I replied

"Nah, we like it here mama!" Tyron said," what chu got here is damn fine than what we had out there!"

"Yeah we're fine serving our sentences here mama!" Carl replied

"Damn right! People better be lucky they end up here!" Terry shouted a bit

I chuckled and smiled.

"Damn y'all are flattering this bear!" I teased

They grinned and chuckled a bit. These three have been here for about seven years now and still love it here. They always have my back and are real loyal friends.

"Aye mama, watch your man though! Them lawyer jobs always get them fucked in the head with some kinda evil!" Tyron warned

I smiled and accepted the concern.

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