"I'm fine Jen." I lied.

Someone else sat down quickly on the walkway bench next to me. I looked over at Henry who gave me a sad smile.

"Hey Kim. How are you?" Henry asked tentatively

"I'm fine." I said, finding it hard to say the words.

"I'm sorry about Daniel. And I'm sorry I couldn't be at his funeral. I feel bad about what I said to him. I didn't know." Henry said, chewing on his lower lip.

"Yeah, you didn't." I said dryly, staring blankly into space.

"Hey, I know what will cheer you up. Why don't we three go see that new Marvel movie tonight." Henry suggested.

"Oh, that might be fun. Kim?" Jennifer probed.

I stood up slowly, unsteadily and walked away from them, ignoring their calls.


I parked my car near the curb in the park. I had left school, skipping my remaining classes.

I locked the doors and stuffed my hands into the pockets of my shirt dress, walking slowly, my sandals digging into the grass.

I heard the sounds of children laughing, people chattering and the leaves of the trees rustling to the music of the wind.

I sighed and willed myself not to cry until I found somewhere more private. I spotted a park bench under an apple tree and sat, basking in the shade the leaves gave.

I let my mind wander to what has been and what could have been.

Is this life? Is this how it has to be? A life where the good people die and the bad people go scot free? Daniel didn't deserve the hand he was dealt by Aurora.

And she was his sister. His freaking sister. The fact that Aurora would do that to family. It showed just how cold and psychotic she was.

I tried to think back to all my time with her. All the time spent watching Netflix together, puking my life out when I was sick and she'd hold my hair back, making a sarcastic comment. How she'd dance so freely and confidently and yet... it wasn't her. It was someone else. Someone I once knew.

Life was cruel and so exhausting. Death was colder, absolute, final, irrevocable. Why didn't Aurora just let me die with Daniel? But no, she wanted me to live with the pain of losing someone I love. What could be worse than that?

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I pulled it out. It was Jennifer. I ignored it, stuffing the phone back in my pocket. It rang again. I ignored. On the third ring I cursed and pulled out the phone, swiping the answer dial and taking out my frustration on her.

"Dude, I want to be alone. Stop calling me." I said, pausing when I realized that no one was speaking on the other end.

My heart rate sped up and I looked down at the unknown number on my screen. I put the phone back to my ear and spat, "I know it's you Aurora. Haven't you done enough already?"

I waited for a reply with my breath held, then finally someone spoke and my world tipped over.

"Hello Sapphire."

Every atom of blood in my body froze when I heard the voice on the other end. Was I dreaming? Or was this a prank played by Aurora to taunt me?

"D-Daniel?" I stammered, my breath heavy, eyes wide.

"It feels so good to hear your voice." Came the reply.

I shook my head. It was impossible. Someone was messing with me. Daniel's dead. He couldn't have survived. Nothing survived an explosion of that magnitude.

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