chapter fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen


It's been a week since I went to Daniel's house and Bianca had interrupted us and then proceeded to threaten me.

We hadn't talked about what happened or would've happened between us ever since and it was fine by me. Things between us were kind of awkward but that was partly on me.

But that wasn't why I was freaking out. I was freaking out because I hadn't seen Daniel in school today or yesterday or the day before.

I took in a deep breath as I surfed through my WhatsApp for the millionth time then quickly switched to Instagram after not finding what I wanted before moving to Snapchat then Twitter before placing my phone on the table and groaning in frustration, sighing tiredly as I ran my hands through my hair.

I stared with irritation at the wooden table before me, the wind ruffling my hair and swaying the leaves on the trees surrounding us.

"What is it Kimmy? You've been going through your phone and sighing for the past thirty minutes." Jennifer said, chewing on a piece of chocolate. Aurora was all too busy forking up spaghetti and meatballs across from me.

I took a sip of my coffee before sighing again.

"Sigh one more time and I swear to God I will remove your eyes with my fork." Aurora threatened. I sighed again to anger her, sticking my tongue out indignantly.

"I believe I asked a question." Jennifer said, pulling her braids into a ponytail.

I sighed. "It's Daniel."

"Oh, that's new." Aurora chirped. I glared at her, she stuck her tongue out.

"What about him?" Jennifer asked as she chopped off another piece of chocolate and chewed quickly. I scrunched my face in mortification. Was the chocolate about to take off? Probably disappear? She needed to eat more slowly.

"Um, it's just I haven't seen him in school today." I wrung my fingers, chewing on my lower lip.

"So what? The guy's probably having a class." Aurora said, peering down at her phone.

"It's not that. He's not online on any of his pages. Like the last time we texted was on Sunday and since then nothing. Also Lucas isn't in school." I said, niggling.

"You're the definition of stalker Kimberly and I'm beginning to worry about you." Aurora said.

"Lay off Aurora." Jennifer chastised, she turned to face me. "Maybe he has stuff to do. Don't worry, I'm sure everything's fine."

"But since Sunday? It's Wednesday. It's been three days. Can't you see. Something's not right." I said, pulling at my hair.

Why was he not coming to school anymore? Has something happened to him? Was he okay? I'd tried calling him but his number wasn't going through. Something was definitely not right.

"Kim, stop mumbling to yourself. I'm sure Daniel's fine. He'll be in school tomorrow. You'll see." Jennifer smiled warmly and brushed my hair aside. I nodded, wanting to believe everything was okay.


It was Friday. It's been five days now. Five days and I haven't heard from Daniel. My whole body was filled with dread.

I pushed open my laptop to watch a movie but then closed it back and picked up my phone. I was too worried to watch anything.

I opened my WhatsApp and my spirit lifted when I noticed that Lucas was online. He had also been AWOL like Daniel. Without further ado, I texted him.

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