chapter eight

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Chapter Eight

Hey Kim, I was wondering if you'd lIke to come to my birthday pool party on Saturday.

Hi Lucas. Happy birthday! Of course, I'll be there.

Your friends can come too. Especially Aurora.

Why are you so keen on her being there huh?

I kinda like her.

I looked over at Aurora who was busy helping Jennifer paint her nails a crimson colour. Her red hair was in a ponytail, a flannel shirt adorning her lean body.

After texting Lucas that she'd be there and confirming his house address, I clicked off my phone and went to my best friends.

"Hey Little Mermaid!" I crooned.

Aurora scowled. I giggled and collapsed on Jennifer's bed,  throwing one arm around Aurora and another on Jennifer, kissing their cheeks before smiling and leaping off the bed to twirl around the room.

"Okay, not like I don't appreciate the whole affection from you Kim, but what's going on?" Aurora said, looking at me.

"Just a lot of things." I said and moved over to my shelf, straightening a book on it before turning to my friends who were looking at me with narrowed eyes. "Guess what guys?"

Jennifer rolled her brown eyes. She had a face mask smeared on her face.

"I bet it has something to do with dreamy Daniel Morales." Jennifer said in a sickly sweet voice.

"You bet it does. You see, Lucas just invited us to his pool party on Saturday to celebrate his birthday." I said, twirling again.

"I didn't know you were that close to Lucas." Aurora said, swabbing the nail polish brush over Jennifer's big toe nail.

"We're friends."

"I'm guessing you agreeing to the party has a lot to do with Daniel." Jennifer said.

I scrutinized the facemask on her face, my eyes falling to the packaging on the bed.

"Is that the facemask I just bought Jen?" I squeaked.

"Um..." Jennifer looked around quickly then smiled. "Daniel will be there, yes?"

"He is." I sighed, twirling again. Facemask momentarily forgotten.

"We need cute outfits." I said, moving to my shelf drawer and sifting through it.

"I'm not going." Aurora said, adamant tone present.

I froze, holding up a bra in my hand as I turned to look at her.

"No, you must come." I said frantically, advancing towards her and clutching her shoulders.
"You must."

She had to. I'd promised Lucas she'd be there.

"But I'm not really a fan of that Lucas guy." Aurora said.


"Just a feeling, I guess. He's cute but not my cup of tea." Aurora said.

Jennifer rolled her eyes.

"Just come, please." I gave her my best sad puppy eyes. "Do it for me because you love me!"


"Just say yes Aurora. What's the big deal." Jennifer said and Aurora swiped the nail polish brush on her face instead.

"Hey!" Jennifer said. "You'll ruin my mask!"

"Stolen.mask." I said, folding my arms over my chest.

"I didn't steal it. Borrowed it. You have many more." Jennifer blew me a kiss.

"Fine. I'll go." Aurora said, looking like she was already regretting her decision

"Kim, your phone is beeping!" Jennifer said and stood up to use the adjoining bathroom.

Just when I was about to pick it up, a knock came from the door. Aurora went to open it and in came Liz, Aurora's roommate.

Liz was dressed in a long red sundress. She radiated a serene calm and dreamy beauty that I admired. She had flowers stuck in her curly black hair and her brown skin was dewy and bright.

"I hope you guys don't mind if I share the word of God with you?" Liz said sweetly.

I nodded half-heartedly and she sat on my bed. Aurora picked up Jennifer's headphones and plugged them in.

Jennifer came out of the bathroom, her mask removed, her skin holding moisture.

"Liz. You're here." Jennifer said in a tone that showed she wished she wasn't.

"Yes. Now, sit down. The Lord directed me here to share his word. Don't worry it won't take too long."

That's what she said last time. She'd come in at 4pm and left around 7pm. Her words couldn't be trusted.

Aurora had her eyes closed as she listened to music. Jennifer was definitely paying attention to what Liz was saying while I chatted with Daniel on my phone.


Hi Sapphire.

My heart stopped and started up again. Every time he referred to me as Sapphire I felt like exploding from sheer happiness.

What are you up to?

I'm helping Lucas plan his pool party. By the way, you wouldn't mind coming, would you?

I don't know. I'm not sure.

Say you'll be there.

Why? You can't enjoy a party if I'm not there?

To be honest, I think I'll enjoy it more if you were there.

My heart. It crumbled. In a good way.

Fear not, I'll be there.

I'm glad.


I waited with bated breath to see what Daniel will reply back to my heart message made with the lesser than symbol and the number three.

I don't know why I sent that last message. Maybe I was delirious on the prospect of Daniel liking me just as much as I liked him.

God, I need psychiatric and spiritual intervention.

Speaking of the spiritual.

"God will deliver you from whatever situation you're in. All you have to do is pray to him. Pray to him. Come to him with humility and surrender yourself. Lay yourself open before him and just ask."

Jennifer's eyes were drooping as she listened to Liz continue her sermon. Aurora had fallen asleep with the headphones on.

I turned back to my phone when I got a message from Daniel.


I screamed.

• • •

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