chapter fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

Today was the start of students' week. Students' week is basically a week of no school activities and during this time the Arthur University Student Union Government arranged some fun activities like a carnival, contests, and parties.

I would only be spending half of it in school before I traveled home to my very persistent parents for my birthday on Friday.

I'd told them I didn't want a party but they'd still decided to do what they wanted and what they're best at doing which is ignoring me.

My phone dinged and I quickly snatched it up from the bedside table next to me. It was a message guessed it.... Monsieur Sexy As Heck Daniel.

Come outside.

I read the words until they ended up with two different meanings.

I'd not heard from Daniel in two weeks after I'd gone to the hospital and Daniel had spoken to me. He was discharged later that week. When I'd reached out to Lucas he'd informed me that Daniel was seeing a speech and language therapist, a mental health professional who would help him get used to using his voice again. And hopefully never feel the need to fall back to being silent anymore.

I was happy for Daniel because it meant he was finally taking the steps to healing from whatever trauma he had been going through. All I could do was pray and wish him a speedy recovery - and bombard him with texts on WhatsApp because I missed him and wanted to know how he was doing. Not that he replied or read my messages but I didn't mind one bit.

I looked down at my phone and hastily typed a reply.

Come outside where exactly?

I'm downstairs so come meet me.

Um, what if I'm busy? You didn't think of that. You just think I'd come if you asked me to.

I know you'd come whenever I want you to. :)

I snickered and tried to steady my mind, concentrating on not thinking stupid, dirty thoughts

You're in the lobby right now?

Yeah, why aren't you here yet?

How long have you been there?

Just got here.

Are we going somewhere?

Yeah, we're going to go get ice cream at Coldstone.

I may be busy.

Oh please, what could you possibly be doing on a no school day?

Um, contemplating my entire existence.

Lol get down here now.

Someone's overly eager to be in my presence.

Nope, just really want that ice cream.

Silly goose.

I clicked off my phone and took in a deep breath before squealing.

I'm sorry, I just can't help it. Because this further validates my theory that Daniel likes me. And after our near kiss at his house...

I have to do my happy dance now.

I stood on the bed and began bouncing on it while dancing, before flying to Jennifer's bed as well.

"What in God's name are you doing on my bed Kimberly Alessandro!" Jennifer squawked before coming forward to drag me off her bed.

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