chapter eleven

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Chapter Eleven

Actually Daniel, I envision that kissing those lips would be like getting into heaven.

How could I have uttered such foul words to Daniel of all people. Now I'm sure he definitely thinks I've lost my mind.

Whenever I remember the events that transpired during Lucas's party, I feel the urge to throw up. Not only had I acted stupid, I'd made a complete fool of myself.

After I'd fallen into the pool, I managed to get out to a very amused Daniel who was trying so hard to keep a grin from bursting forth.

You'd think he'd jump in and save me from the annoying water. I'm actually glad he didn't though. That would've somehow made me more embarrassed than I was.

I was soaking wet. And not in a good way. Daniel had handed me a towel. I had taken off my soaking dress and being the sweetheart slash gentleman that he was he'd handed me his navy blue hoodie to wear over my bikini and that was how I'd managed to save my dignity.

But a good thing came out of all my chaotic stupidity. That good thing was getting Daniel's hoodie. I wore it like half the time now and fell asleep to the sweet scent of his cologne and ahhhh, it felt so freaking good.

Anyway, that was three days ago. Now, I was standing in front of an ice cream kiosk located inside the school. I couldn't wait to get my chocolate and vanilla ice cream. The sun was a little too hot and this was exactly what I needed to cool down.

I rocked back and forth on the balls of my feet when someone tugged the hem of my tank top.

I turned to see...wait for it...

Daniel Breathtakingly Cute as fuck Morales.

He stood there in a white t-shirt, black cargo pants, and Nike sneakers, his brown hair in a mess of curly curls.

His brown skin looked so clear and bright in the sun. He needed to fess up his skincare routine.

"Daniel." I said. Breathlessly, might I add. My eyes tracing the outline of his chest and shoulders through his shirt.

I spent three extra seconds admiring his long lashes. How can one human be so perfect?

"Hey Sapphire, you look so beautiful today." Daniel signed.

My cheeks warmed up from his compliment.

"Thank you Daniel." I smiled widely, pushing my hair behind my ear.

Daniel smiled, before signing again. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm getting some ice cream." I said and turned to the woman selling. "Can I get two cups of chocolate and vanilla ice cream? Are you okay with that or would you prefer another flavour?" I said quickly to Daniel.

"I'm fine with it." Daniel signed. I nodded and turned back to the woman.

"Alright then." The woman replied and went to get the ice cream.

In a couple of minutes she'd dished the ice cream and was handing it to me. Daniel's hand mechanically went to his back pocket, probably to take out his wallet but I took out the money and paid before turning to Daniel.

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