chapter four

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Chapter Four

I changed into my nightwear and climbed into my bed filled with lots of fluffy pillows and covers. It was the kind of comfy bed one would sleep on and never want to wake up. Just perfect.

My dorm room which I shared with Jennifer was rather large. It was painted pink and had both our beds pushed up against one wall on the side, with our bedside tables next to the head boards.

Two shelves were placed on the wall in front of our beds. There we kept our books, stationary and personal items in the drawers below the shelf. A fridge stood next to one of the shelves as well as a clothing rack.

A side door led to a bathroom and small walk-in closet where we kept our clothes.

My mind once again drifted to Daniel. I couldn't stop thinking about him. He looked so impressed yesterday when I spoke to him. He still hadn't texted me though.

"Hey Kim, your phone keeps buzzing! I think you have a text." Jennifer said. She held the phone towards me. I grabbed it begrudgingly.

It was a WhatsApp message. From Lucas. He'd texted me yesterday, late in the evening and we'd just chatted. It was nice but I wasn't motivated.

When I realized it was Lucas and not Daniel, my flame of happiness had snuffed out. I'd been hoping Daniel would be the one to text me.

Daniel probably deleted my number from his phone, wanting nothing to do with me.

I decided to ignore the message. All Lucas wanted was to be my friend and that was fine. I just wasn't interested in chit chat.

"Jennifer?" I said, moving forward to look at Jennifer who was scrolling through her phone on the bed next to mine.

"What's up?" She asked.

"I didn't tell you this but Daniel talked to me yesterday." I said. "Well, like with sign language."

"WHAT!" Jennifer screeched and instantly got up from her bed and climbed onto mine. She looked at me with avid curiosity.

"Spill it Kim." She said,

I told her then about how he'd asked for my number but for Lucas.

"Wait, wait, wait. You're saying he asked for your number but for his friend?" Jennifer asked, scrunching her face up in utter confusion.

"Yes." I said sadly.

"What the hell. That's ridiculous!" Jennifer said, oddly offended.

"It is what it is, Jen." I shrugged.

"Don't let it get you down Kim. You're an amazing and beautiful person. It's his fault if he can't see that."  Jennifer said.

"Thanks." I said. Jennifer was such a sweetheart.

It was then that Aurora decided to show up. She also stayed at the dorm but a few rooms away from us.

She was dressed in blue jeans and a black shirt. Rows of black bracelets adorned her wrist. She didn't have makeup on and her bright red hair cascaded around her in waves. Jennifer and I sometimes like to call her The Little Mermaid. She hated it. We loved it.

"The fun has arrived!" She yelled, entering the room with a big smile before plopping down on my bed.

"Hey Aurora." I said, my tone lacking its usual enthusiasm.

"What's up with gloomy Kim?" Aurora asked, looking at Jennifer.

"Long story." Jennifer replied.

"Are you on your period young lady?" Aurora asked me with a frown.

"No." I said, smiling a little.

"Jennifer, did you stick your fingers into her Pringles?" Aurora said accusingly.

Jennifer rolled her eyes. "No, mum. She's just upset because the love of her life Daniel isn't into her."

"Well that's certainly not news." Aurora said. I shoved her with a scowl. She guffawed, landing on her back on the bed. Her laughter was contagious so I started laughing as well.

Jennifer being the blabbermouth told her everything I'd related to her.

And soon they were both giving their opinions but I wasn't listening to them.

All I could think about was how Daniel had just handed over my number like a good friend over to Lucas and didn't think to message me as well.

Crap, crap, crap! What if he was like the wingman who was actually encouraging his friend to pursue me.

But Lucas wasn't into me so that wouldn't make sense. Or maybe he was?

God, this is certainly not good.

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