chapter two

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Chapter Two

As I walked down the walkway I became nervous, my heart beating too fast, my palms turning sweaty.

The walkway was a long stretch of cemented floor with pillars that held up a cemented roof like pavilion. The sides were open and had flower hedges adorning it.

Walkways were pathways that linked to most of the buildings on campus. Every building had its own walkway and had benches in place at the sides. People sat on it to relax or while away time before their next class.

I walked next to Aurora and Jennifer sluggishly. Daniel and his friends were now making a beeline for an empty bench which we'd have to pass in front of.

The bench was at my left but still far off. They walked until they reached it and sat down, laughing away at whatever it was Lucas had said.

One thing about passing benches filled with students was that whoever walked past would be scrutinized and talked about. They'll make you feel so self conscious with their eyes you'd start praying the earth would swallow you up.

But we had to walk down this walkway. We couldn't turn back. That'll be pathetic. Jennifer didn't seem to care and Aurora, the tomboy, was uninterested.

I was dying on the inside.

Aurora was saying something to Jennifer but I wasn't paying attention. I was too busy doing a mental swoop of my appearance. My black jeans were recently washed so they looked new. My vans were clean. My blue satin blouse was crisp and equally clean. My makeup was light. Hair on point.

Surely, I didn't look bad.

Finally we reached the bench. I took out my pen from my pocket and refrained from putting it in my mouth. Instead, I held it tight. I needed some leverage, something to distract me.

Calm down.

We drew nearer, I got more nervous. Daniel was scrolling through his iPhone, the latest version of it.

And then it happened. God, could today get any worse?

I fell.

I slid and fell forward right in front of the people on the bench, right in front of Daniel. My face and hands mere inches from his Adidas shoes.

Everyone stopped talking. Jennifer and Aurora seemed to freeze. Time slowed down.

Students who were passing by started snickering and then the laughs came from the people sitting on the bench.

My pen had skidded away from me and my palms stung.

I was lying flat on the floor.

My eyes connected with Daniel and my breath caught, he was looking at me with concern.

He pushed his phone into his pocket as he stood up and reached out to me. His hands landed on my arms, lifting me up gently. I stood up slowly, getting a whiff of the expensive cologne he had on.

My head was spinning and I tried to stand upright. Was this really happening? Was Daniel really holding me?

I turned my head, looking up at him, eyes connecting with his. A shot of warmth ran through my system. It was almost like I was in my own telenovela or something.

Someone call the doctor, I think I'm having a heart attack!

He let go of my arms and went to pick up my pink pen before handing it to me with a small wry smile.

With a shaky hand I collected my pen, my fingers brushing with his. I gasped as a shiver ran through me from the sizzling touch. Our eyes met once again and I wondered if he'd felt it as well.

Laughter reached my ears from his friends. Daniel, who suddenly looked irritated, turned and gave them a disapproving look.

"What? It was funny." One of the girls said, her laughter dying down.

"Kim, you okay?" Jennifer asked, giving me a concerned look.

I'm absolutely fine Jenny dear.

"I'm...I'm...okay...yes. Yes. Very fine. Very fine." I stuttered and looked up at Daniel who was still standing next to me, looking down at me with slight confusion. His dark brown unruly curls framed his eyes. I wish I could brush them back.

This whole thing wasn't a normal occurrence. Trust me, he never stood at such a close proximity to me.

I have decided.

I have decided that I will never throw these shoes away. I shall turn them into a trophy and place them on my shelf because of this wonderful moment that had Daniel Morales making eye contact for longer than two seconds with me! For the second time today!

"You okay dear?" Someone, Lucas said, rising up to stand in front of me now.

"Uh yes. I'm okay. Thank you." I directed the last words to Daniel whose lips my eyes were now trained on.

"You should pay more attention when you're walking." Lucas said.

I quickly averted my eyes from Daniel's very tempting lips and appraised Lucas instead with a small embarrassed smile.

"I'll try to remember that." I said sheepishly then turned to my friends. "Let's go guys."

I ducked my head, clutching onto Jennifer's arm tightly as we moved past them.

"Kim, your nails are puncturing my arm!" Jennifer complained.

"Shut up!" I hissed as we turned the corner into another walkway that led to the biology department. That was when I let go of her. She rubbed her arm with a sour expression.

"So Daniel came to your rescue and you couldn't say a decent word to him." Aurora chastised.

"Lay off please." I said, covering my face with my hands.

I was beyond embarrassed at this point. And giddy with excitement because I actually made contact with my crush!

I know it's not really much progress but it's something, right? Now, I just need to gather more confidence and make a move, say something to him. Or sign something.

"I'll walk up to him and tell him you like him since you can't do it. I mean, what are friends for right?" Jennifer said strongly, smiling widely.

"You wouldn't dare." I said, giving her a macabre look of disdain.

That was the last thing I needed. Why couldn't they understand that this sort of situation needed time?

Jennifer raised her hands in surrender as Aurora began to laugh.

I sighed.

That's it. I now realize and know that I'm suffering from a major crazy yet amazing disease known as...


Fuck my life.

• • •

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