chapter twelve

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Chapter Twelve

OMG, I just realized something.

Something immensely interesting and it concerns Daniel.

Okay, here goes...

What if Daniel likes me? Like he likes likes me you know. Like the way I like him.

Although a part of me is beginning to wonder if that's too far fetched but there's so many signs to prove my insane theory.

Do not trust Daniel Morales.

The text message floated through my head once again, just as it had yesterday when I'd gotten it. I didn't sleep well because I kept wondering what it meant, what the motive behind the text was and who had sent it.

Why now? Why had someone decided to send that message right when I was getting somewhere with Daniel. It made no sense.

But what bewildered me more than the message was that when I'd gone to read it this morning it had disappeared. Almost like it had been deleted but I never deleted it. I'd called the strange number and it had been unreachable but I never thought to delete it. Now, it's almost like I never got a text at all. It was so weird. I only hoped there wasn't more to this whole situation.

And why shouldn't I trust Daniel? He was a kind, sweet guy. I've known him since highschool. He was trustworthy, I could tell that much.

I shook my head, pushing the thoughts away as I concentrated on my digital artwork.

My stylus pen moved over my tablet's screen, lines and colours meshing to form someone. Brown eyes, dark brown curls over those eyes. Brown skin. Full lips. A cute birthmark on the nose.


Aurora's The River blasted through my earphones into my ears and filled my soul with warmth and relief. She had a very melodious voice.

Today was Saturday and as usual I was stuck in my dorm room drawing. Jennifer was too busy stacking up clothes she'd recently purchased. Jennifer loved to shop which was good because just as she enjoyed stealing my skin care products, I enjoyed taking her clothes.

College was stressful sometimes and I barely had time for myself. So, I always appreciated the weekends.

My phone buzzed the moment Aurora, my red headed friend bounced into the room and began talking.

I looked down at my phone and saw it was a WhatsApp message from Daniel. I stopped breathing.

CILS took over my body and I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

"Okay, everyone fucking freeze right now. Just freeze." I said, waving my hands at Aurora who was still talking to Jennifer animatedly. I couldn't take it anymore and threw a pillow at her head. She didn't like that.

Didn't she realize I needed absolute quiet and calm before I could read a message from Daniel?

"What the hell man?" Aurora complained.

I smirked. "I said freeze or lower your voice. I'm about to text my boyfriend."

"Can you get anymore idiotic?" Aurora said, rolling her eyes.

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