Jimin laughed, "Why do you keep on pestering Irene?"

"I didn't do anything to her, for you information." He placed both his hands on his hips, leaning towards his friend that was accusing him. "She said I looked good with a blue hair color so she did this. Who colored your hair, anyway?"

"Jin." Jimin casually said, finger combing his hair like a model.

Taehyung snorted. "You're friends with that guy?" Jimin only glared at him, as he knew Jin was a good guy, and that Taehyung's just not fond of the son of Aphrodite because he's friends with Jisoo too.

"Do you like Irene noona?" asked Jungkook out of the blue, observing his hyung's reaction

Taehyung grinned before looking at Jisoo. "She's pretty." Jisoo rasied an eyebrow at him, as if challenging him to continue what he's saying, and he really did. "But I don't like her the way that you're implying, lightning boy."

"Of course you don't like Irene!" Jimin said and grinned at his friends, "He's just a prankster, and he's in love with p- Ouch!" He scowled at Taehyung, "That hurt! I was about to say 'pranking', you idiot!"

"I don't care. Let's just go to the dining pavilion." Taehyung started walking away from his friends, not bothering look back to them to see if they're following him.

At a distance, he found Artemis talking to Chiron, the two of them observing the campers who were training.

"I hope you don't take her away too." He muttered to himself just before the daughter of Apollo entered his line of vision. "What do you want, Jisoo?"

Jisoo was sure she heard him sound tired. "Are you ok? Are you hurt? Do you want me to sing for you?"

One of the abilities the children of Apollo can possess is to heal using their voices, an ability called Vitakinesis. As Apollo is known to be the god of music, and medicine, his children can heal anyone if they sing anything – though Greek hymns are highly recommended for a more powerful effect – to the god of Music himself. However, gods or goddesses rarely make an appearance to their children. Most believe that they're just busy doing their godly duties, like Hermes, who delivers messages from one god to another, while some just really don't want to see their children.

For the past years that Jisoo lived with Taehyung, Jungkook, and Jimin, she knew about their family backgrounds, so, most of the time, she knew when one of the boys were hiding something.

Taehyung lived with his grandmother most of his life because his mother died when she gave birth to him. When his grandmother died, that's when monsters started to hunt him. And so he lived by himself, barely escaping monsters, until he met Jimin, another boy who lived.

Jimin lived with his mother, a well-known athlete - swimmer to be exact. He was waiting for his mother outside the public pool where his mother trains every weekend. Once inside their car, a rogue giant snake, thrice the size of their car, came chasing after them.

At age 12, Jimin really didn't know what or why something that big was following them. He kept asking his frantic mother, but she was just crying while driving away. As his mother turned left, the snake stopped, and Jimin saw a boy limping, just ahead of them. It was Taehyung, the limping boy. His mother quickly stopped the car for Jimin to pull the boy inside with them. However, when the giant snake hit their car, directly to the driver's seat, Jimin felt his world shatter.

Taehyung, although feeling guilty of what happened, dragged the boy outside the car where he saw another figure, a satyr who had a hard time following them as the car was way faster than his hooves. The satyr saved them, placing them on a chariot with an experienced demigod, Suho, before he said goodbye to them, going back to face the giant snake he failed to kill before a mortal got involved. The next thing Jimin knew, he woke up with Taehyung sleeping on a cot beside him.

Jungkook, on the other hand, got inside the camp when he was thirteen. It was Jimin and Taehyung's first quest to join a searcher in rescuing a demigod in school. The two successfully rescued Jungkook before any mortals got hurt, something the two older ones have promised to theirselves that they'll never let any monsters hurt any demigods' mortal parents.
With Jisoo's suggestion, Taehyung had the faintest smile before holding her hand and pulling her away from where Artemis and Chiron stood. He brought her to the shore.

"Can you sing me something you've heard from outside the camp?"

"Of course!" Jisoo exclaimed, "I remember one song that talks about the sea."

Taehyung smiled before he lied down the sand. Jisoo sat beside him, and started singing,

"I'm thinking I
Can finally sail away to somewhere nice
Where I can leave my worries far behind
Somewhere in the distance I can hide
Oh, Oh-oh, oh

And maybe I
Would fall in love and waste a little time
Yeah, maybe I could add somebody in my life
Yeah maybe all I need is a little you and I
You and I, the ocean and the sun
It could be you and I, the ocean and the sun"

The boy lying beside Jisoo closed his eyes, savoring the moment with his friend. Little did they know, Jennie was watching them from afar, remembering something she doesn't need to be reminded of.


the song is entitled "The Ocean and The Sun" by We The Kings ☺️

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