"Chill, dude, the flight's in an hour!" he said. "We're on our way, though."

"Great, are you all together?" I asked.

"Nah, the girls are in a different car, we couldn't fit all their luggage," he said. "They left before us, they'll probably be there soon."

"Awesome, see you then Ry."

"See ya!" he said, and ended the call.

"They'll be at the jet's location soon, let's get going," I told dad; he nodded and we got into his Porsche.

I connected my phone to the bluetooth radio and started playing some music. "Are all your things ready?" dad asked and I nodded.

He didn't ask anymore questions.

I left the sound of Klingande's music to break the silence. "Are any of my guitars there?" I asked.

"Yeah, there's an acoustic one and an electric one here," he said and I nodded again.

I hated any type of car trips with dad, they're always so awkward. Dad only knows how to talk about one thing; and that's business.

He was disappointed when I decided to major in Marine Biology. He wanted me to major in business in order to take charge of the company after him.

Nevertheless, he agreed that I will take no part of the family business.

My little brother Adrian, though, he can't wait to go to university and major in business so he could take charge of the company.

He currently just finished his junior year in high school.

Soon enough, we reached the jet's location. I was about to get out of the car.

"να προσέχεις τον εαυτό σου, λέων,"

I froze; dad hadn't spoken in Greek in such a long time. I almost forgot it's my first language.

I almost forgot I'm actually half Greek. I was born there, I spent most of my life there. We only moved to America in order for my parents to start their business and for my mom to be closer to her family.

My parents met in such a cute way. My dad was a bartender in his mid twenties, and my mom was on vacation with her friends, they met when my dad served my mom a tequila shot.

Who would've guessed that 2 years later they'd be married?

I nodded at my dad and wordlessly got out of the car, shutting the door.

My dad and I don't really have an emotional relationship. But, I know him and my mom love me very much.

I grabbed my luggage from the trunk. I had a backpack and a suitcase. "Let me take those," the flight attendant said, with a smile.

I gave him my suitcase. "Thank you," I said, smiling back. "Are the others here?" I asked.

"Three girls are," he said. I nodded and boarded the jet.

As soon as I stepped inside I spotted the three girls, Ryan's sister and her two friends. "Hello," I said with a grin.

"Hey!" one of them said. "You must be Leon?" she added.

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