Chapter 31: Disturbing News

Start from the beginning

"Where is she?!" The girl asked.

The receptionist looked scared and baffled, "Miss, please calm down. We're in a hospit-"

"I don't care! Tell me where she is," The girl said.

"Droplet?" I said carefully.

The girl whipped around to face me. She had on a black face mask and through her hood was short messy white hair. Her eyes were an aqua blue that matched All Might, and she had bags under her eyes.
They showed the many sleepless nights.

"Nezu?" She said roughly. Her voice scratched up.

"Come over here and sit, were waiting for her to get out of surgery," I said carefully. Tsukauchi was staring in wonder.

Eyeing me and the detective closely, she cautiously made her way over to us and sat in the chair next to me.

Droplet looked down at her lap as she hugged her sides.I noticed she wore fingerless gloves like Kuro. She was also tense and slightly shaking. Her breaths were shaking as she tried to control it.

"Don't worry, Kuro will be okay. She's tough and will make it through," I reassured her.

"I should've gone with her.... or at least done something... we made a promise," She said painfully.

"But then there would've been a chance you would've been caught too. The last thing we would have needed was another child in danger," I said.

Droplet didn't reply after that.

(Time skip)

We had all spent the night in the waiting room at the hospital, not wanting to miss when the doctor came out and gave us news.

Tsukauchi had fallen asleep but I could tell that Droplet wouldn't sleep at all. She kept her eyes trained on the floor.

The sun had come up and she was still awake. I noticed she was even more tense than before.

Finally, a doctor came out with a clipboard and walked towards us. He ushered for us to follow and I climbed up on Tsukauchi's shoulder and we walked through the eerie white walls of the hospital before stopping in a hallway with fewer nurses and people.

"Do you want the good news, bad news, or disturbing news first?" He said while looking at the clipboard.

I answered before I could think, "Good news."

He looked at me and then the others before looking back at the clipboard, "Alright, well, the surgery was a success. We found her blood type in time to give her a blood transfusion and save her from blood loss.
All her wounds are healable and she'll make a full recovery."

Droplet let out a breath she had been holding and asked quietly, "And the bad news?"

The doctor looked at her before sighing, "Well, she had a lot of major injuries. Multiple stab wounds to her arms, legs, and two at her side. Thankfully her white blood cells were able to clot before she bled out to death. Though, she was very close," He looked at Tsukauchi, "I'd say If you found her even a minute too late she would've died.

"Other than the stab wounds and major blood loss, there was an infection in the wounds. Her shoulder looked like the skin had somehow disintegrated. Her leg had a similar condition. We treated them but she still has a fever. Her left wrist was sprained, most likely from the handcuffs. She was bruised up pretty bad too around her neck. Minor damage to her vocal cords but it will heal with rest. She does have a moderate concussion, she must've been hit in the head a few times. Thankfully, there wasn't any brain damage and that'll heal with rest as well.

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