We ran down an ally-way, and were greeted by the humongous walls of the temple.

"This way!" I yelled, making my way towards the lower levels.

We finally reached the edge, where we'd need a transport to get us down there.

"It's useless, we can't get down there without a ship!" said Talik.

"Maybe we can hop a ride." I said, looking around for other ships. "There! Jump onto this one!" I yelled, pointing at a ship that was lowering down.

We jumped on, and sat down for a few minutes.

"Why didn't we kill the clone!" yelled Ventress.

"We need more evidence she's evil. If we kill her, we'll all be charged with crimes against the republic." I said back

"We could've just ran again!"

"I know, but is always running what you really want?"

"Look, we can stay at my place, and talk in the morning." said Talik, cutting into our argument.

We finally made it back to Talik's apartment. It was easy to say we were all exhausted.

"I'll go get the pull-out bed ready, and are you okay sleeping on the couch?" said Talik, looking at Maul.

"Yes, I'm okay." said Maul back

I think we were all starting to come together. We were getting more used to each other, and put apart our differences.

I went into my room and laid down. I was exhausted.

I slept well for half of the night, but I couldn't sleep for the rest. I could feel something was coming, so I decided to ask the force for answers.

-Ahsoka's vision-

I saw three holograms, and one tiny green man. It was Yoda. I looked at the other three people, and made out Kenobi, Windu, and Secura.

"I hate to say it, but the one working with Maul is Ahsoka." said Kenobi.

"And what leads you to that?" said Windu.

"None of our men have been killed. They've been injured, but their injuries aren't deadly."

"Obi-Wan has a point. The real Ahsoka wouldn't kill her own men." said Secura.

"Master Yoda, what is your say in this?" said Windu.

"Clouded, my senses are. Saw something I did though." said Yoda.

"What did you see?" said Secura.

"The force Ahsoka used, to turn off lightsabers."

"What are you getting at?"

"More wiser, Ahsoka has come through this tough situation."

"But what if this is the clone Ahsoka you saw?"

"Not sure, I am about that."

"Well, we'll discuss more of this later, with the rest of the council." said Windu, cutting into the conversation.

"Oh yes, that reminds me. Has anyone heard from Anakin?" said Kenobi.

The others looked at eachother, then finally answered no.

"Just great. I'll contact Rex." said Kenobi.

-End of vision-

Hmm...why would the force show me that? But instead of my question being unanswered, there was a voice, talking to me.

"We have shown you that because with just a little more proof, the grandmaster of the council will believe you."

"Who are you? Why are you in my head?" I said back.

"My name is Daughter. I saved your life on Mortis."

"Daughter! Why are you here?"

"When my energy was being transferred to you, I felt something I never did before. I felt power and strength. But I also felt humbleness, fearlessness, and wiseness. Something I have never before. I was your "future self" I knew when I felt that, I must guide you to your true destiny.''

"So I've been talking to you this whole time?"

"Yes. And I will be joining you in your battle."

"But how? You're dead."

"Look outside the window."

I lifted my head up, and there sat a small green bird with a white belly on the windowsill.

"Is that you?" I asked, making my way towards the window.

"Yes, my name is Morai." she replied with

"How will you fight though?"

"I will not fight, but I will be here to give you answers, and to protect you, and heal you."

"You can do that?"

"Of course I can. I am the lightside of the force. We are with each other."

"Thank you." I said thoughtfully.

"Get some rest, young one. I will be here when you need me."

The bird flew away, and disappeared into the stars.

"What a day." I said to myself, laying back down on my bed, and pulling the covers over me.

I had awoken to the sound of sirens outside the open window.

That could only mean one thing.


((A/N- I'd like to give some credit to Star Wars Sister! I was reading her book, and it gave me the idea of including Daughter in the story! (If you don't know who Daughter is, look her up or watch the Mortis arc) Make sure to go check her out! She writes very good stories!))

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