part 7 - rough morning

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mason's pov

i unwrap my arms from beau and sit up, lowly yawning. his hair is so curly so i take advantage and run my hands through it. he smiles a bit in his sleep. bella's soft whimpers are distracting, though. whats going on over there? i dont even get the chance to look her way before she starts softly crying. i look over in time to catch her lift herself up on her hands and look around, probably looking for beau. i dont want to wake him up though, so i try to untangle his arms from around my waist as quickly and softly as possible, before rushing over to pick bella up and set her on my lap.

just as im about to ask her whats wrong, which is kinda stupid cause i know she wont reply anyway, i hear beau.

"hey, whats going on?" he, too, has sat up and is rubbing his eyes.

"i think she had a nightmare." panic flashes on Beau's face before a look of concern does, aswell.

"poor baby," he says, out-stretching his arms in anticipation of the upset child. I hand her over and she just clutches his shirt in a tiny fist and cries. I just admire his caring nature as he rubs her back and eventually calms her down.

moving back over to the bed i shared with beau, i ask, "when do you think she'll start talking?" 

"i dont know. i hope soon, its scary hearing her cry and not knowing exactly whats wrong." he focuses his attention back to bella. "dada, bubba. can you say dada?" bella doesn't reply, just stares at him with a tear-stained face. 


im holding bella, scrolling through my phone while she watches him brush his teeth. its calm and quiet. until,

"'ada!" bella says, pointing to Beau and trying to get closer to him. i swear i've never seen Beau smile so big, or so hard. 

"what was that, bell?" "'ada! 'ada!!", she repeats, still reaching for him. he sets his toothbrush down and grabs her, hugging her super close. she just squeals and giggles. is it too soon to ask beau to marry me?


beau's pov

over the past hour, i've caught bella trying to pronounce dada on camera twice and set her smiling as my lock screen. i do find it odd she hasn't seemed to look for her mom but just brush it off. and i've only today noticed i've yet to give her a bath, so thats one of this morning's tasks. 

i gasp and scream for mason. 

"what!?" he asks, rushing into the bathroom.

my lip quivers as i look to him and point to bella's bruises.

"look what they did to my baby"

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