"This house is huge, how are we meant to find the kitchen?" I ask him while I cross my arms.

He shrugs, "I'm sure Bertie can help you."

"When is Ash- the boss coming back," Jasmine asks.

"You should ask the butler that, I had no idea he even travelled," Blake says. "I'll be back to check on you two tommorow, but now I've got to go," Blake says and starts to leave just as the butler comes back.

"Wait!" I call him, "what about my friends? Where are they?" I ask.

"They'll be fine," he replies curtly and quickly leaves.

What's with the rush?

I turn to Jasmine and notice her eyes already on me. "What?" I ask irritated.

She frowns and opens her mouth to speak but sighs instead, "I - nothing."

I narrow my eyes at her, " I thought so," I say as I walk past her and towards the butler. "Sir -"

"Bertie, I prefer Bertie," he says.

"Right, Bertie. When will Asher be back?" I ask him, I noticed a small shocked expression appear on his wrinkled face when I called his boss by name.

"Mr Dane will be back in three days," he replies. "Shall I show you both to your rooms?"

"Oh, um yes thanks," I reply and follow him up the marble staircase. I feel Jasmine's presence beside me.

Bertie started to speak as he lead us to our rooms, "Mr Dane instructed me to tell you a few rules he put out during your temporary stay here," I choose to ignore his rude emphasis on the word 'temporary'.

I raise an eyebrow at him. "Rules?" Jasmine says from beside me with an amused expression on her face.

"Yes Jasmine," Bertie snaps professionally and stops at a hallway before turning to us. "No leaving the mansion under any circumstances. No loitering around. Stay in your rooms. Don't contact anyone outside. And no inviting anyone to the mansion," he states. "Also," Bertie adds, looking at me right in the eye. "My boss likes to be addressed as Mr Dane, pixie cut."

My eyebrows raise slightly at his attitude and the obvious nickname but I don't reply.

What crawled up his ass?

"Those are all the rules?" Jasmine asks him and he nods before turning away.

"These are your separate rooms, just as requested," Bertie says referring to two rooms parallel to each other. "Your bags have been placed, please make yourselves at home. I will be back in thirty minutes to lead you both to the dinning room for lunch. Chao."

Bertie leaves a few seconds later, leaving Jasmine and I in the hallway.

Jasmine whistles lowly, "that is one sassy old man," she says with a chuckle. "That's what happens when you stay single for seventy years, you become your own annoying ex wife," Jasmin jokes with a small laugh as she waits for a reaction from me.

I roll my eyes at her and turn towards my door before I feel a presence beside me.

I hear her sigh, "Bianca-"

"What do you want Jasmine? Your room is over there," I tell her as I push the door open.

"I'm sorry," she says out of the blue. "I'm sorry I lied to you, and I'm sorry I made you think I'd leave you-"

"Made me think?!" I gaped at her, "you told me that was you plan all along you liar!"

"I know, but-"

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