twenty [ already missing you ]

Start from the beginning

"So now i want to give the words to some of our honor students of these year's seniors. Please come up, Jin Hara, part of the cheer team and highest overall score in finals and Kim Taehyung, captain of the swim team and constantly scoring close to a perfect 4.5." The principle spoke into the microphone infront of him, stepping back while clapping his hands together.

Jeongguk couldn't stop the constant bright smile on his face ever since he had heard Taehyung's name, glad he had made it out of his nostalgia to see him on stage, looking as handsome as he always did, smiling just as brightly.

Gguk had always been proud of Taehyung for being so high achieving with his grades as well as swimming, but right now he felt butterflies bloom in his chest, heart swelling in pride.

He didn't even listen to much of Hara's speech either, having it go in one ear and out the other as his eyes kept being focused on his best friend.

It was honestly just unbelievable to him how quick time had passed. It felt just like yesterday when he told him about moving away in a year which now would be only, well in a couple of weeks and it was the weirdest, most odd feeling already missing him when he was right there on the stage of their school's auditourium waiting to give a small speech to his peers.

He was right there but somehow he already felt his heart being ripped out of his chest like he was miles away already.

"Now i would like to give the word over to one of my friends, Kim Taehyung." Hara bowed, before stepping aside next to the principle, Gguk feeling a chuckle vibrate through his chest at the word 'friends'.

Yeah, everyone was kind of friends with Taehyung being the social butterfly that he is but he know he would probably never refer to her as one of his friends.

He saw him walk up, nervously clutching a little piece of paper in his hands, knowing he wasn't one who loved to speak infront of people but still being great at it, like he was amazing at everything he did.

"Thank you." He started, looking over to Hara, smiling at her before turning back speaking more clearly into the microphone. "It's crazy how fast time flies, how i remember going to this school, our school for the first time. Just looking at all the other people older than me and more ahead in life and it's crazy to actually be in a position i used to look up to. I know already that i will miss these times, no matter how much i won't admit so." He giggled, sending a shot of endearment through Gguk's spine, everyone chuckling around him.

"In just a couple of weeks i will be off to New York City, studying sport medicine with a focus on swimming and i already know that my first semester will be exhausting with constant classes and swim practice but i know -- it will be worth it and that it's something i want and strive to do. A dream i worked hard for. And we all worked hard for different dreams, doesn't matter what it is. And we couldn't have done it without our teachers, helping us prepare for hard test, our families, supporting us through this journey and --" Taehyung stopped for a second, eyes searching around the crowd of the other seniors, somehow pretty much immediately finding Jeongguk's own. "-- our friends, who we went through thick and thin with."

He felt his heart jump, knowing it was directed at him, only to him.

"Friends that are almost maybe even exactly like family, that helped us just as much as our family and teachers--" He continued, keeping eye contact the entire time, Gguk steadily feeling punches to his gut with warmth and adoration, smiling so bright it began to hurt his dimples. "So this is for you guys, all the friends, best friends who helped us to grow throughout the years and get where we are. Without you, we would not be like we are now. Thank you." He bowed also stepping away, claps coming from all sides, Jeongguk's teary eyes obstructing his view, completely unaware until now that he had been tearing up.

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