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"what you're looking for has
been here the whole time."

sumin went to the cafeteria and started looking for shin chaeyoung. she spotted her, sitting with tae oh and his team mates, laughing. and it made sumin become more furious.

"hey!" a student said for the reason that sumin got her lunch tray. sumin did not care who she was because her eyes were darting on shin chaeyoung.

"yah shin chaeyoung!" sumin called chaeyoung and when chaeyoung turned to face her, sumin poured the blue lemonade on her face. the cafeteria fell into a deep silence as all of their eyes were on them.

"that's for saying that yedam is stupid."

she dropped the food on the lunch tray on chaeyoung's face, which made everyone gasped. "that's for cheating on my best friend."

sumin then hit chaeyoung's face with the empty lunch tray as hyunsuk hurriedly went to where sumin was. "and that's for hurting my best friend."

"sumin, stop!" hyunsuk told sumin as she held her wrist.

chaeyoung laughed as she looked at sumin. she wanted to stay unfazed because she did not want to embarrass herself even more.

"it's not my fault he was so easy to fool." chaeyoung smirked, which caused sumin to grab her hair.

"say that again and i will send you to hell." sumin said as chaeyoung struggled to get her hands on sumin's hair but before she could do it, sumin already pushed her to the ground.

"you-" tae oh was about to hurt sumin when she punched him on the face— again.

"jerk!" she shouted. "how could you?! you knew she had a boyfriend and how dare you make out with her in front of bang yedam?!" everyone froze upon hearing what sumin had said. the cafeteria started to become noisy again.

hyunsuk was pulling sumin out of the cafeteria, barely. "sumin, let's go."

sumin was about to leave but she found herself going back to shin chaeyoung who just got back on her knees. she then went to slap chaeyoung accross the face.

"sumin!" hyunsuk grabbed her hand and dragged her out.

"don't you dare show your faces again! CHEATERS!"


sumin dropped her bag on the floor before flopping her body on her bed. she then looked at her window and to yedam's window. the curtain was covering it now and she could not see what yedam was doing. his lights were not even turned on.

she sighed as she went to get her walkie talkie so that she could talk to yedam.

"hey..." she said on her walkie talkie.

"i know you're having hard time right now because i knew how much you loved her. and i understand. you know what i did at school?" sumin laughed. "i threw food on shin chaeyoung and slapped her accross the face because she hurt you..."

"... and no one can hurt my best friend, am i right?" yedam did not response.

"when you need someone, you can just tell me using the talkies or you can just barge in my room like you used to." sumin bit her lips.

"just know that i would always be here for you. so you don't have to face this alone. come on. what happened to 'you and me,  conquering the whole world'?" she still got no response.

"eat your meals and stay safe. i hope to see you on school tomorrow as a perky yedam." she looked at yedam's window.

"i really miss you, dammie." she waited for yedam's response but she got none so she placed her walkie talkie down and sighed.

yedam heard what sumin was telling him, it made him sigh and wipe his tears. he looked at his walkie talkie on his table before a smile crept into his face.

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