Rei's Ending: Solitude Doesn't Suit A King

Start from the beginning

"Don't worry," Akari said determinedly, "No matter what, I'll remain by your side. Even if I die."

"Those are big words coming from a disloyal bastard," a voice said, the sound of footsteps nearing them.

Under the unknown person's weight, leaves and branches crunched in his wake, leaving behind a small trail of flattened soil. Akari tensed, knowing the voice all too well and began to panic, taking (Y/n) and rushing to climb up a tree as quickly as possible. Once in the treetops, he told her to cling onto him and to not open her eyes. As she did as she was told, he began to jump, air rushing at them quickly as he leaped from branch to branch like some kind of squirrel.

Beneath them, the figure began to sprint, attempting to keep up with them as he unsheathed a glinting gun, the moonlight catching its shiny surface and reflecting off of it. The sound of the gun being loaded with bullets was about the only thing (Y/n) could hear aside from the rustling of the leaves. Akari seemed far too preoccupied with getting away with the aid of the leverage they had to notice the noise.

Then there was a shot that rang through the forest, the clomping of a nearby buck sprinting for dear life. Akari tensed and clung onto the (h/c) haired girl tighter, fearful that she had been harmed, but when she clutched back, he let out a sigh of relief. A few more gunshots echoed through the woods, but it seemed that none of them had managed to hit the two of them though Akari still tensed in fear.

"Oh, this is fun," the voice teased, a small chuckle coming from his lips as he reloaded the gun again, "Just like old times, right?"

Akari tensed again, but it was more fearful than the threat of being hit with a bullet or killed by it. Instead, he let out a whimper of despair and began to run as fast as he possibly could, attempting to get out of earshot. Although the assailant didn't allow him to put distance between the two, it seemed like he took a sick enjoyment out of the chase, wanting only to torture Akari. It wasn't difficult to figure out who it was. There was only one person that hated the blonde so much he would attempt to kill him and it was Rei.

"Do you remember when we used to do this to those guys at school?" Rei called out, "We'd hunt them down and massacre them and sometimes we'd keep one alive and torture them until they bled to death. Wasn't that fun, Akari? It was the best, wasn't it? And you were so experienced that we didn't have to worry about anyone finding the bodies. It really pays to be some manic serial killer, doesn't it?!"

Akari remained silent, but inside, everything around him was crumbling down and he only hoped that (Y/n) refused to believe a word of it. She knew about the killings to an extent, but the people he chose and the way he went about it made him seem anything but sane and he knew it. He knew he was a monster pretending to be a knight, but he would have liked to carry out his fantasy for a bit longer. Yet Rei wouldn't give him the luxury.

"What happens if I shoot you," the blonde paused, aiming his gun at the other male and pulling the trigger aggressively, eager to see the result, "there?"

Akari fought the urge to cry out in pain when the bullet struck his right leg, and he would have fallen to the ground. However, since (Y/n) was counting on him, he could hardly allow himself to be killed or to stop moving. The pain was unbearable, but the more blood came out of the wound only encouraged him to keep going until he hadn't a drop of the substance left. That was his job. He wouldn't allow himself to fail.

"Oh, look at that!" Rei chuckled, "The coward's still going! Impressive! Let's try the other one then! Bang bang!"

The gun fired again, the bullet lodging itself into Akari's other leg, but this time he couldn't suppress the pain. He let out a cry of agony and proceeded to run and jump to the best of his ability, all while ensuring his movements weren't discomforting (Y/n). She only remained silent, trying to think of what she could do in the situation, but she drew a blank. Akari was the only one that could run and she didn't have any weapons.

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