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"Mmmm I like waking up seeing you here" Adam whispered half asleep

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"Mmmm I like waking up seeing you here" Adam whispered half asleep.

"Good because I'm not going anywhere" I giggled snuggling into his side.

"So how is my girlfriend this morning" he said kissing my head.

"You like saying it don't you" I smirked tracing my fingers across his chest.

"Yeah I do" he chuckled.

"Good because I like hearing it" I said as my stomach growled. "On that note I'm gonna make us breakfast"

Climbing out of bed I pulled Adam's hoodie on before heading to the kitchen.

"Why do you look so good in my clothes" Adam asked as he flicked the kettle on.

"I dunno" I laughed.

"So when do you want to tell Kev about us?" He asked.

"In a couple of days, I want you to myself before anyone finds out"


"Adam What you going" I giggled as he dragged me out of sight.

"I just wanted a kiss off my girlfriend before I start work" he smirked as he placed his lips on me.

"Someone might see us and we haven't told Kev yet" I mumbled against his lips

"I can work happy now" he grinned.

"You are such a dork" I laughed.

"Have a good day babygirl and I will see you after shift" he whispered against my lips before he left to head upstairs.

I had a feeling today was going to be a good day.

"McKenzie" Platt shouted.

"What's up Sarge?" I smiled leaning against the desk.

"I am assigning you two to "psycho squad" duty."

"Come on." I groaned

"The Bulgarian consulate in Chicago forwarded a list of whackos who've made threats against President Pla-no... Pla... Pre... President Pla... President whoever, who arrives in two days for some trade conference. You're gonna do spot checks on all persons on that list, see if they pose a danger." Platt said passing me a list.

"Can't you put Garcia or Sikora on this one?" Roman asked

"Roman, be grateful I don't park you at a desk doing traffic reports. So I called around for an available K-9 officer with a bomb sniffer mutt to escort you two, she's on loan from the 31st so show her a good time."

"Come on let's get this over with, the sooner we get this done we can get back" I said as I headed to the squad car.


"You got plans tonight?" Roman asked as we headed to back to the car.

"Yeah I'm going out for drinks tonight" I nodded starting the car. "You?"

"Not really" he laughed

"I cannot believe Platt put us on this stupid task, everyone we have been to today is completely normal and sane" I sighed checking the next address. "Only 10 more addresses to check but first I'm starving let's get some food"

"What you thinking?" Roman asked.

"Maccies" I smirked driving down the road.

"How do you not get fat girl?" He laughed.

"I exercise a lot" I shrugged pulling into the drive through.

"Fair nuff"


"So last house" I smiled climbing out the car.

Little did I know this house would put our lives at risk more specifically my life.

Pulling my coat around me as the wind picked up.

Roman and the cop from 31 was arguing about something but I just wanted to get this final house done so I could head home.

"You wanna know about your new partner, McKenzie? After we broke up, he couldn't take it so he goes on a jealous rampage and he transfers out." Jen snapped.

How did we break up and just two weeks later, you're engaged? Unless you're looking to climb the ladder, Jen." Roman shouted.

"You know what? Don't even go there... "

"Can you two just shut up? Just shut up!" I snapped I was losing my patience with the both of them now.

"I put just as much of myself into this job.."

Whatever I wanted to get this last house done so I headed up the steps to the door, pressing the doorbell I stood back slightly.

The next thing I heard was a gun going off, and me falling on the ground with excruciating pain radiating through my shoulder. 

"Mckenzie! 10-1, officer down! 3316 West 21st Street. Okay. Move her. Here! Put pressure on this. 10-1, 10-1. Shots fired at police at 3316 West 21st Street, my partner's been shot."

"Come on Blair, stay with me, helps on the way" Roman shouted as he put pressure on my shoulder.

I tried my hardest to keep my eyes open but my vision started to get blurry and my eyes started closing.

AN - so one rewatching PD again and 02x09 gave me the idea for this. I do not own this particular story line.

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