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Going back to reality sucked, the last 4 days me and Adam spent together was amazing and I wanted it to stay like that, but he probably just saw this as just sex like we had agreed

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Going back to reality sucked, the last 4 days me and Adam spent together was amazing and I wanted it to stay like that, but he probably just saw this as just sex like we had agreed. Yet I am the stupid one who had to go and catch feelings. Stupid fucking feelings for a guy that was 9 years older than me. Who was I kidding like he would go for someone so much younger than him for a serious relationship.

"Girl are you ready yet? Rox shouted through my apartment.

"Yeah two secs" I shouted back as I sprayed myself with my body spray.

Walking out of my room I grabbed my leather biker jacket and smokes.

"Thought you would have gone for something a bit sexier" Rox laughed poking my side.

"I'm not planning on going home with anyone tonight so didn't see the point and plus I like this outfit" I smiled as we walked out my apartment.

"Whatever you say girl" she laughed as we heaaded for the taxi. "I forgot to ask how did you even end up spending the weekend with Ruzek?"

"Just he needed someone to go to his cousin's wedding with as he had to bring a plus one" I shurgged "Nothing happened, we had seperate rooms and stuff"

I hated lying to my best friend but at this moment in time i didn't need her asking 3 million questions and bragging about how she knew me and Adam would end up sleeping together.


"Not seen you around here for a bit girl" Jake laughed as he placed two shots in front of me.

"I've just been a bit busy with work and other things" I nodded downing both shots.

"Would the other things be your hottie that just got up on stage to sing?" He laughed pointing to the stage.

"Oh god he is so wasted" I laughed turning to the stage just as the music started.

"I just wanna linger like this on your lips, and taste the salt air on your skin. Hold you in my hands. Anything and everything, you know that I'm all in. We can just stay here in this minute. Lose all track of time. Let the world spin on without us for a while, I'm telling you, we're just one kiss away from heaven. So baby, hold on tight 'Cause I want to get wrapped up in your love" he sung at the top of his voice, dancing around the stage i shook my head at the giant dork.

"You know he is singing about you" Jake nodded at me.

"Pffft yeah right" I said knocking back another 3 shots.

"Okay so if he isn't singing about you why does he keep looking over to where you are currently sat and his smile drops slightly because you aren't watching and you are talking to me" Jake smiled.

"You are wrong" I shrugged turning around to see Adam looking sad until his eyes locked onto mine and a massive cheesy grin appeared as he carried on singing.

"Told you" Jake shrugged.

"Its just the alcohol man" I nodded picking my whiskey up and heading back to the group.


A couple of weeks had passed since Adam sung at the bar, today was my day off so I was doing the standard household chores, wandering aimlessly round the supermarket I kept throwing random things into the trolley as my thoughts wandered.

Was Adam actually singing about me or was it just the alcohol and that it was a good song.

I was torturing myself over my feelings and it sucked, I wasn't used to people coming in my life and staying, I learned a long time ago to stop wearing my heart on my sleeve. So I did what I always did and buried my feelings.

Not long later I had finished shopping and was heading home, I was in my own little world until something fell in front of me. Looking up to see where the rock had fallen from I saw Adam stood on the balcony of some cafe, grinning at me.

"What you doing you dork?" I laughed at him.

"Something I should have done a while ago" he smirked.

"Okay!" I shrugged still a little bit confused.

"So listen here you little shit I have feelings for you and its about time I acknowledged them" he shouted from jumping down from the balcony.

"Did you just call me a little shit?" I asked a bit taken back by what he just said.

"Out of everything I just said the one part you get from that is me calling you a little shit" he laughed tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. "but yes I did call you a little shit"

"I'm not a little shit" I pouted.

"Blair you are missing the point" he whispered "I really like you, I have known for a while but I was too scared to admit them because I really enjoy the last 7 months with you"

"Wait you like me?" I questioned.

"Yes Blair I like you more than a friend and I do not want a just sex relationship with you anymore, I want it all with you, I didn't want that weekend to end when we went to Florida and you pretended to be my girlfriend. Blair I want you to be my girlfriend" He whispered as he pours his heart out on the side of the road.

"I didn't think you liked me like that Adam, I have been driving myself crazy" I laughed "So yes I will be your girlfriend"

Without any warning his lips were now on mine, neither of us bothered that we was in the middle of a busy street in Chicago.

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