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"So remind me why we are going to the airport" I laughed as Adam parked the car

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"So remind me why we are going to the airport" I laughed as Adam parked the car.

"Well the wedding is in Florida" he smirked

"What you smirking about boy" I laughed leaning against the car as he got out bags out the truck.

"Well the weather in Florida is amazing this time of year" he shrugged.

"So you get to see me in my bikini" I giggled.

"I'd better or there will be trouble" he smirked as he locked the truck and we headed inside.

"So Kev wasn't phased that I've come away with you for the weekend?" I asked.

"Nah he knows how my mum is and he trusts us" he smiled. "Aye I know that look stop worrying"

"It's Just we are always sneaking around behind his back" I sighed.

"In all honesty I think he knows there's something going off between us but hasn't said anything so it can't bother him that much" Adam whispered softly in my ear. "Now let's forget about home for the next three days and let me enjoy you being my fake girlfriend"

"Deal" I nodded leaning my head against his shoulder


"There's my baby" a woman grinned as she ran over to Adam.

"Hi mom" he smiled hugging her.

"And who is this beautiful lady" she smiled looking over at me.

"Mom this is my girlfriend Blair" he said flashing a grin my way that made my legs turn to jelly.

"Oh my" she said "my boy did good"

"Mom" Adam groaned.

"What you haven't had a girlfriend since things broke down with kim, I'm bound to be excited. I'm linda" she smiled.

"Nice to meet you" I nodded smiling as I felt Adam linked his hand with mine.

"You coming home for dinner?" Linda asked Adam.

"You know the answer to that mom, I never turn down home cooked meals" Adam grinned as we walked through the airport. "We will head over after checking in our hotel"


"Baby why you stressing" Adam said wrapping his arms around my waist resting his head on my shoulder.

"Because we are going to your moms and I'm wearing ripped shorts, one of your band shirts and my converse, I need to change" I sighed.

"No you don't, you look perfect" he whispered in my ear "you always do"


"No buts baby, you could wear a bin liner and you'd still look amazing, no come on let's head over to my moms" he smiled "I apologise in advance on some of the stories you will hear tonight"

"She's just excited you have a girlfriend" I giggled.

"Come on or she will send a search party out" he laughed linking his hand with mine.


"So how long have you two been seeing each other?" Linda asked

"Erm about 6 months now" I smiled at Adam, we wasn't exactly lying on that part.

"How did you meet?" Adams grandmother asked.

"We actually met through Blair's brother Kevin, she moved to Chicago and lived with Kev, however we didn't get on when we first met" Adam laughed.

The rest of the evening went smoothly.

"Thank you for dinner" I smiled at adams mum.

"Mom we are gonna take off, thanks for dinner" Adam smiled hugging his mom and grandmother. "We shall see you in the morning"

"Where we going Ruz" I asked as he put his arm around my shoulder.

"Well you said you wanted to go to the beach so we are going to the beach" he smirked.

After a 10 minute walk we was on the beach.

"So your family is nice" I smiled as we walked hand in hand along the waters edge.

"They are when they want to be" he laughed. "Trust me I'm glad you came and are playing along because I wouldn't have heard the end of it."

"Why?" I asked as he spun me around.

"Because I'm 30 years old and I've had 3 failed engagements and still single" he sighed.

"You will find the right person one day" I smiled at him "but for now let's just enjoy this weekend away"


The weekend went too fast for my liking and we was now on the plane back to Chicago. Adam was fast asleep so it was just me and my thoughts.

This weekend I saw a different side to Adam, he wasn't an arrogant prick like I first thought, in fact he was the complete opposite. He was loving and care free.

As I watched him sleep peacefully I studied his features, how had I never noticed the scar on his cheek? I watched his chest slowly rise and fall.

I didn't want this weekend to come to an end. It was in this moment I realised Erin was right, someone always caught feelings when it came to friends with benefits.

The age difference didn't even bother me.

It was in that moment I wanted to be his girlfriend. But I was too scared to say anything.

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