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"You've been pretty quite all day" Adam said as we drove off from the water park

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"You've been pretty quite all day" Adam said as we drove off from the water park. "What's going on?"

"Just thinking" I whispered.

"Penny for your thoughts" he asked softly placing his hand on my knee.

"It just we seem to be all we do is benefit, don't get me wrong I live that part but we don't really do any friend stuff" I whispered "can we slow down on the sex and making out for a bit"

"If that's what you want then yes we can slow down on the sex front" he smiled

"Today has been nice just hanging out with you and I realised that we don't know that much about each other" I said smiling at him.

"Tell you what why don't I help you finish unpacking and then we can order a take out and have a movie night" he smiled.

"Sounds like a good plan" I giggled as he stroked my thigh as we drove. "The other things is you are like 9 years older than me"

"Blair is that what's worrying you" he sighed

"Kinda" I shrugged.

"Oh Blair, do you really think if I was bothered about being 9 years older I would have teased you that day when I got out the shower and do you think I would have come and hit on you in the bar?" He said softly.

"No" I mumbled.

"So please stop worrying about the age difference" he whispered.

"I'm just worried what people will say if they found out about us" I sighed.

"Fuck what anyone else thinks"

"But what if Kev finds out that in actual fact his little sister and best friend are fucking?" I sighed.

"We will just have to cross that bridge when we get to it ok but for now just have fun" he smiled as we pulled into the apartment block.


Opening the door to see Adam stood there with a coffee and a McDonald's bag made me smile.

"What you doing here Ruz?" I asked letting him in.

"Well it's your first day at the academy so I thought I'd bring you breakfast and I will give you a lift" he smiled walking into my apartment.

"You really didn't have to" I smiled diving into the bag "but thank you"

"It's What friends do right" he smiled wrapping his arms around my waist causing me to shoot him a look "hey I just wanted a cuddle"

"Are you turning soft officer ruzek" I giggled.

"Maybe" he smirked "but only you get to see this side of me"

"Well I feel honoured" I smiled leaning back against his chest.

"Now come on let's get you to the academy"


"Urgh I am so tired" I mumbled to myself walking back in my apartment to see Adam stood there grinning at me.

"How did you get in?" I asked

"I know how to pick locks" he smirked

"Ok so why are you here?" I laughed

"Well I thought seen as you would have had a crazy day at the academy I thought I'd cook you dinner and run you a bath" he smiled wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Isn't that a bit coupley? I whispered.

"I don't care" he whispered against my neck. "I know this isn't what friends do but like I said fuck the rules. Now go get in the bath before it goes cold and I will sort dinner out"


"Something weird is happening with Ruzek" I laughed as Erin placed my burger in front of me.

"What do you mean?"

"Well he brought me breakfast yesterday and dropped me off at the academy and then he picked my lock and ran me a bath and cooked me dinner" I said running my hand through my hair.

"What did I say it would only be a matter of time before feeling are caught" she smiled making me choke on my drink.

"Nah you are being stupid he doesn't like me any more than a friend" I shrugged.

"Trust me, normal friends don't break into the others apartment to run a bubble bath and cook dinner" she said softly. "You haven't seen him at work he's constantly pining like a love sick puppy"

"What am I gonna do" I sighed.

"You don't see yourself being in a full relationship with him do you?" She asked putting her hand on mine.

"Yes, no, maybe" I mumbled "I don't fucking know, I mean I love how he has been treating me the last month but I just don't want him to expect more you know"

"I get you girl and I think you might need to reiterate that it's just sex and you need to live your life" she whispered.

"That conversation is gonna go well" I sighed.

"Just follow your heart girl, if you feel you need to end things with him do it before it gets messy and too many feelings get involved"

"I don't wanna hurt him Erin, or lose him as a friend and things go back to how they were before"

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