Chapter 12 - Case ii

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Jimin twisted the coffee cup on its saucer, a habit of mild irritation.

"We've had over ten employees quit, the amount and quality of equipment we have is running thin and the building electrics and insulation is in a state of dire need to be fixed, almost the whole places needs a remodel! On top of that we're overrun with patients. We're short on room."

Jimin rubbed his temple in annoyance. His chain earring softly clinking against his phone screen as he held it to his ear, and silver finger rings glinting in the sunlight that had broken through the clouds and through the large windows of the coffee house.

"I'll get a team to sort it and give you some funding. Is there anything else?"

"Thank you Sir! Your kindness is greatly received!"

His company owned the Wings Psychiatric hospital among other diverse companies and businesses, and after that call, he would most likely have to make a visit soon.

Jimin was sat at a table in this 'common wealth' coffee house because it brought him some sense of normality, to be on the ground rather than in his high penthouse buildings. That, and the coffee here was surprisingly good.

His table was located on the upper level of the shop, the entire level he had reserved for himself so he wouldn't have to deal with any press or fangirls or boys. Customers however were still permitted to use the lower level of the coffee shop so he wouldn't be bothered by anyone, his security were dotted about the place, keeping a watchful eye on who entered and left.

The silvernette finished the call sliding the newest model of his phone face down over the table. He was head of the company, he shouldn't be receiving calls like that. He had hired people for that. Were his employees incompetent?

His finger tapped the table while he held his chin in his other hand, watching a girl in the corner of his eyes enter the coffee house, being deemed alright by one of his security guards that stood in front of the entrance.

You hadn't seemed to have noticed him, and he was sure that if you had you would have turned into a sobbing puddle like the rest of his fan-base.

Jimin couldn't help but let his gaze linger on you for a minute, taking in your rather dishevelled state and in contrast, your eyes, that happened to be stunning in his opinion.

He wasn't sure what had made him suddenly think that. You were just an average girl, nothing to fuss over.

How wrong he would realise he had been.

Jimin hoped you would continue to be oblivious to his presence. He didn't need another fan-girl problem at the moment. 

You sat yourself down at an empty table and waited for one of the waitress' to take your order, sighing at the first relaxing moment you had had to yourself in a while.

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