Chapter Thirteen: The Forgotten Children

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"I still don't get it" Grian muttered, snaking an olive from Mumbo's plate. "You didn't even duel anyone. How did you get hurt?"

Mumbo glanced at his bandaged arm and gave a strained smile.

"Someone's spell ricocheted off the wall and hit me" he explained. "And stop stealing my food!"

Mumbo slapped his hand away and Grian giggled.

"If you don't want me to tease you, then don't be so reactive"

"Impossible" Iskall chided with a smirk, making Grian grin and Mumbo scowl. "Oh Grian I wanted to ask, False is your sister, right?"

"Yeah" Grian replied, hooking his arm around Mumbo's neck and sneaking another olive off his plate.

Iskall laughed as Mumbo's face turned scarlet before glancing back at Grian, who popped the olive in his mouth with a triumphant smile.

"Right, so why do you guys have different last names?"

Grian's mischievous smile faltered and he coughed violently into his elbow.

"Oh... I, uh-"


Doc appeared behind the small Slytherin and flicked the back of his head.

"Quidditch practice, come on"

A look of relief washed over Grian's features and he jumped up at a lightning speed.

"Sorry gotta go! See you guys later!" He called, grabbing Doc's wrist and pulling his brother behind him.

"That was weird" Stress remarked.

"Did I say something wrong?" Iskall asked, his eyebrows furrowed on concern as he watched the Slytherins leave.

Scar shrugged.

"I don't know. Mumbo, do you know anything?"

Mumbo shook his head. To be honest, his face was still hot from the residual sense of Grian's touch, and his brain was a bit fuzzy trying to memorize and bank the sensation.

He heard a scoff to his left and turned to look over at a Ravenclaw boy who was staring at the small group from the corner of his eye.

"What?" Iskall asked, his raised eyebrow daring the boy to misstep.

"Nothing. You guys just really don't know your friend that well is all"

"And you do?" Stress replied, the bite in her tone undermining the sweet smile that still graced her features.

The boy rolled his eyes.

"Not personally, no. It's just that my dad is in charge of that screwed up family at the ministry, if that's even a word to describe that mess"

"Excuse me, but what hell are you talking about?" Mumbo questioned, his fists gripping his utensils tightly.

The boy sighed.

"Your weird little friend is a foster child in the Quod House"

When none of them reacted the boy chuckled icily and grinned.

"The Quod House? Otherwise known as the house of forgotten children? Otherwise known as the foster home they put the children of evil wizards who are locked up in Azkaban"

Stress gasped and Mumbo felt his jaw drop.

Scar however looked confused.

"What's Azkaban?"

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