Chapter Four: Traitors and Grudges

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Grian was talking. Mumbo was pretty sure that Grian was talking.

But Grian was also sitting next to him, leaning against his arm so that they could share the transfiguration textbook, and at this point, Mumbo's ears were just filled with a buzzing sound.

It wasn't so much the weight against his shoulder or the smell of wood polish and pine needles. It was the way Grian's blond hair was tickling his neck, the only proof of how close they really were.

"Uh, G-Grian" Mumbo stuttered, his voice cracking sharply. "Do you think you could, uh, move over a little?"

Grian glanced down at where their arms were pressed together and chuckled.

"Oh sorry Mumbo I didn't realize how much I was invading your space. Why didn't you say something earlier?"

Because I liked it.

"I-I just didn't want to be rude" Mumbo lied, his mind clearing up a bit with the lack of warmth against his side. "Are you starting t-to, uh, understand then?"

"I think so?" Grian flipped a couple pages of his book. "I think my biggest problem is the concentration. I tend to be pretty unfocused"

"Well, focus may be the most important part of transfiguration" Mumbo said with a small smile. "You need to very clearly picture what you are trying to accomplish in your mind, and if you aren't able to explain how to get from one step to the next, then it probably isn't going to turn out how you want"

Grian cocked his head and smiled, making Mumbo flush under the unwavering attention.


"Nothing. It's just funny how much more smoothly you speak when you start talking about magic"

Mumbo felt his face heat up further, and he focused his gaze on the book in front of him.

"I, uh, thank you? I d-don't usually talk like this"


Scar coughed loudly on Mumbo's right, getting both of their attention.

"Grian can you please get me a book on... um... grindylows?" He asked sweetly.

"Oh sure!"

Grian flashed them a smile before standing and going over to the magical creatures section of the library.

"Mumbo... what's up"

"What? Nothing!" Mumbo said defensively at least three octaves higher than usual.

Scar raised his eyebrows.

"I thought you said you didn't know Grian"

"I-I don't"

"Are you uncomfortable that he's a Slytherin?"

"Of course not!"

"Then why are you acting so strange?"

Mumbo put his head in his hands and rubbed his temples.

"I don't know. I feel so queer"


"Weird Scar! I feel weird!"

"Oh I thought you meant..." Scar pressed his lips together. "Never mind. Do you want to go?"

Mumbo sighed and shook his head.

"No I really  need the help in potions. I'm probably just tired, so let's just try and finish as fast as possible so I can go lie down"

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