Chapter Seven: I'm Sorry, and Thank you

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"Stop it!"

"Mumbo, come on. We're not giving you a choice here" Stress griped as she continued to pull on his arm.

"I'm not talking to him!"

"Don't care" Scar huffed, breathing heavily as Mumbo fought his grip. "It's been nearly a month, and you guys need to make up"

"Ack!" Mumbo cried as they dragged him through the courtyard, the wind and rain whipping his face. "Why are we outside?!"

"Iskall is at Quidditch practice" Stress called, her voice muffled slightly by the howling wind. "We are going to corner him as soon as he gets off his broom, and force you two to talk"

"I do not consent!"

They bickered and yelled the entire way to the Quidditch pitch where the Gryffindor team was scrimmaging.

"Did this have to happen during a storm?" Mumbo grumbled, having given up on trying to keep his soaked hair out of his face.

"Stop complaining" Stress shushed him. "Scar, you told Grian right?"


"Yeah I did" Scar nodded.

"Tell Grian what?"

"There they are!"

Scar pointed to the opposite side of the pitch where the Slytherin team was walking out onto the field.

"Scar what did you do?!" Mumbo cried, trying to hide behind Stress who was nearly half a foot shorter than him.

"I told Grian to tell his captain that their practice time had been moved. He needs to be part of this conversation"

"This is such an over-complicated plan" Mumbo groaned, putting his head in his hands.

"Well... hindsight is 20/20"


They watched as the Slytherin captain flew up and began to argue with the Gryffindor captain, both waving their arms and pointing to their watches.

Thunder cracked loudly overhead as the rain began to come down harder. Mumbo glanced over to the Slytherins hovering a couple feet above the ground and then up to the Gryffindor's who were still tossing the quaffle around, fighting the wind as it threw them around in the air like rag dolls.

"Is it really safe for them to be flying right now?" He asked, a worry line forming between his eyebrows.

Stress shook her head and clutched his arm.

"I don't think so"

A deafening crack of thunder caused the three Hufflepuffs to flinch followed shortly by a bright strike of lightening, illuminating the field and causing Stress to gasp. Shrieks and screams were heard overhead and as Mumbo squinted, he could see someone falling.

"Oh god!"

"Someone fell!" Stress cried.

"Iskall fell!" Scar corrected in a high pitched tone.

Mumbo's stomach constricted painfully and his thumb nail flew to his mouth.

What can I do?! I can't do anything! Ohmygodohmygodohmygod

"Why isn't anyone doing anything?!" He yelled. The Gryffindor's seemed frozen in midair as Iskall picked up speed, hurtling towards the ground.

Mumbo's panic was interrupted as a blur from the other side of the field caught his attention, and within a few seconds, a tiny green figure was racing up into the air.

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