Chapter Eleven: Tea Leaves

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Hey guys I'm sorry I haven't uploaded in a bit. I have a serious case of writers block and I'm doing my best to work around it but I also don't want to just spew out trash content. That being said, I don't like this chapter very much so I guess I'm doing that anyways. I promise I will upload a long, good chapter soon.

"Why did you switch to Divination this year?" Stress asked, looking across the table to see Mumbo's schedule.

"Arithmancy was really hard" he explained handing his schedule to Scar who was making grabby hands at him. "Too much maths. I mean, it was somewhat interesting, but not worth the work"

"And it has nothing to do with the fact that Grian takes Divination?"

Mumbo choked on his eggs and coughed violently as Scar thumped him on the back and Stress giggled.

"It's not about that! Scar-Scar is also in Divination" he sputtered.

"Yeah, so I'll make sure to tell you all the juicy details" Scar said ginning in Stress's direction while Mumbo groaned.

"Hey guys!" Iskall called, jogging over from the Gryffindor table and sliding into the seat next to Stress to compare schedules. "Oh! We have Charms and Defense Against the Dark Arts together this week!"

Mumbo lifted his head a bit to look over at the Slytherin table just in time to see Grian jumping up and following Iskall's lead.

"Scoot over" he whispered at Scar.


"I can't move over, make space in between-"

Too late. Grian sat down next to Scar and smiled at everyone in turn.

"Hello Hufflepuffs! And Iskall"

Iskall kicked him under the table and laughed as he handed Grian his schedule.

"Ooh potions with the Gryffindors... Scar lets see yours... Transfiguration aaaaaaaaaaaaaand Herbology. Not bad!" He slung an arm around Scar and Mumbo clenched his jaw. "Plus Divination for us"

"And Mumbo" Stress chimed in.

"What?" Grian leaned over to look at the tall Hufflepuff boy. "Why would you want to take Divination? It's a complete joke"

"Oh, uh... no real reason" Mumbo refused to look at Stress who was still giggling into her pumpkin juice. "Just looking for something new"

"We'll get ready, cause Trelawney is an absolute nutter"

Scar laughed and nodded in agreement as Mumbo furrowed his brow skeptically.

"How bad can she be?"


Mumbo stared slack jawed at the woman in front of him. Her dark blond hair frizzed out in a every direction, and her large circular glasses magnified her eyes so she resembled an owl.

"Good afternoon class" the owl drawled in a low hazy voice. "My name is Professor Sybill Trelawney. You have chosen to study Divination, the most difficult of all magical arts. I must warn you however at the outset that if you do not possess the gift of Sight, there is very little I will be able to teach you. Books can take you only so far in this field, and only those with the natural ability to reach into the unknown will have a possibility of achieving mastery."

She flipped her silky scarf over her shoulder, the many thin gold bangles on her wrists clinking merrily.

As Trelawney began to move about the room explaining the task for the day, Grian elbowed Mumbo and arched his eyebrows.

I told you was written all over his face, and Mumbo shook his head.

He opened his copy of Unfogging the Future, and began reading the instructions for basic tea leaf reading, but found it quite difficult to concentrate. The tower classroom was incredibly warm and Trelawney had so many incense sticks lit, Mumbo was sure he was breathing in more essence of patchouli than actual oxygen. The heavily perfumed air mixed with the heat made him feel dizzy and he quickly found his focus wavering.

Not that Scar and Grian were any help.

Scar kept downing the tea too quickly and swallowing the leaves, making him choke on the bitter taste while Grian laughed and thumped him on the back.

Mumbo felt his heartbeat leap into his throat as the Slytherin bunny began poking him in the ribs as he drank his tea, trying to make him laugh.

Mumbo slapped Grian's hand away and coughed, trying and failing to keep a smile from curving his lips.

"What do you see Mumbo?"

"I... um..." Mumbo looked down into his tea leaves. "See... a pile of wet leaves"

Scar and Grian's uproarious laughter attracted the attention of Trelawney, who swooped over like an overgrown bird. Her wide owl-like eyes drifted over the trio and she motioned for Scar to give her his cup.

"And what do you see, my dear?"

"Oh, ah..." Scar's cheeks tinted pink as he was put on the spot. "Well... that looks kind of like an animal... maybe like a sheep? Which means-" he scanned the book quickly "-prosperity and success is near?"

Trewlaney tsked and set his cup back down.

"I'm afraid my dear you have mistaken a sheep for a goat, meaning enemies are afoot"

Scar stared into his cup with a very confused expression on his face and Mumbo fought hard not to laugh.

Trewlaney moved onto Grian who handed her his cup and gave a suddenly very sad smile.

"Based on the shape of the hourglass near the rim of the cup I believe I am in imminent danger of some kind"

Trelawney looked thrilled, and placed a hand on Grian's shoulder.

"So sad to see from such a gifted seer. You brave boy, accepting your impending doom"

Grian nodded and sniffed as though he was about to cry although Mumbo could clearly see no tears brimming his eyes.

He's making this all up

He was so distracted by the performance Grian was putting on, he didn't notice Trewlaney holding out her hand to him until she cleared her throat loudly in annoyance.

"Your cup please"

"R-right sorry. Um, I-I'm not really sure but may-maybe it's a... uh...

"Oh my dear" Trelawney cooed, not listening at all. "You have been gifted a dove, the symbol of romance"

Mumbo's face colored.

"But as you can see, it is upside down. I'm afraid your love is unrequited"

Sorry this one is so short guys. As I said, I'm struggling with some writers block right now so I'm sorry for the poor lack of content. I promise I'll have better stuff up soon.

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