Chapter Ten: The Gift of Guilt

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Before I start, I just want to thank you guys so much for getting me to 50 followers! I really appreciate the support ❤️

"Mumbo hurry up! I don't want to spend any longer here than I have to"

Mumbo ran to catch up with his mother, her heels clicking loudly as they made their way down the cobblestone path.

"W-what's wrong with Diagon Alley?" Mumbo asked, tugging at his blue tie self-consciously.

"Nothing wrong per say" she said, wincing as a group of second years ran by laughing uproariously. "I just don't want you getting used to this environment. Too dirty and loud for someone of our status"

Too fun, you mean Mumbo thought bitterly.

"If you want to wait in the limousine outside the Leaky Cauldron I can finish up myself" he suggested, trying not to sound too hopeful.

His mother glanced at her phone and huffed.

"Why doesn't this thing work here?!"

"The magic blocks muggle-"

"Mumbo you know I don't like that word!" she snapped, gazing down at him with a warning glare.

"Yes mum. I'm sorry"

She rolled her eyes.

"You know, every summer you come back from that school more disrespectful and disobedient than ever. And all those letters you kept getting! What type of insolent, unmannerly person continues to send letters when they get none in return? You made it perfectly clear that you didn't want to speak to them! I have half a mind to send a letter to your headmaster about the kind of respect he should be instilling in his students"

"No!" Mumbo cried, his stomach twisting at the thought. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I'll be better, I promise!"

His mother sighed and fixed his hair affectionately.

"That's a good boy. Now, I'm going to wait in the limousine. You have 15 minutes, capisce?"

"Yes mother"

Mumbo watched her walk away, allowing the tightness in his shoulders to relax with every step. As soon as she was out of sight, he rushed over to Quality Quidditch Supplies which was absolutely packed with witches and wizards of all ages.

Mumbo pushed through a crowd of rowdy boys to get to the front desk.

"Excuse me"

"How can I help you?" the clerk asked. He was a little taller than Mumbo, most likely a recent Hogwarts graduate judging by his age.

"I have a, um, friend who really likes Quidditch, and it was their birthday recently"

The man waved his hand, signaling for him to go on.

"The-the problem is I don't really know anything about Quidditch" Mumbo added hastily. "And I could use a bit of help picking something out. And-and price is no object, I want it to be nice"

"Ah" the clerk nodded understandingly. "Is your friend a good flyer?"

"The best!"

"Hm. Well I'm sure Glynnis Griffiths would disagree with that, but never mind" he tapped his chin thoughtfully. "What position do they play?"


The clerk whistled.

"A seeker huh? Makes sense. My crush in school was also a seeker"

"What?! Gri-uh-he's not my... that!"

"Mm hmm, sure. You should tell that to your ears. They're kind of giving you away"

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