Chapter 27: The 57th Expedition

Start from the beginning

One could say it was destiny, others might think it was fate. I believed that it was my own stupid decisions that lead me to being imprisioned on that stupid island rather than blaming it on something as stupid as fate or destiny.

So when I had the chance to live again, I took it without a second thought.

I wanted to believe that it was my decisions that led me to join the 104th Cadet Corps. I wanted to believe that it was my decision to meet everyone I had!

But when I made that decision; that agreement to help her and to put my life on the line! I felt helpless in the same way as when fate had me dangling on a string.

I already know that it's stupid to look back and want to change things, so I don't. I put everything into today so that if tomorrow didn't arrive, I wouldn't be disappointed with the life that I'd lived up till that point.

I used to think that the scariest thing in the world was falling asleep and never waking up. I mean, the thought of dying was scary enough, but living in an inescapable nightmare was easily worse. I guess that's why waking up from nightmares has become something of a regular occurrence for me.

My entire body was burning yet at the same time it felt numb. My bedsheets were damp with sweat and though I could barely recall what I'd dreamt about, I didn't care to try.

While most nights I'm unable to recall my dreams, it's even more rare that I'm able to recall a nightmare. Maybe it was because I knew that they were nothing more than figments of my imagination, but after escaping a waking nightmare you tend to become detached from the dreams you have each night.

Though I'd usually fall right back asleep on nights like these, tonight I found myself rather awake.

Bright blue eyes flashed in my mind. While I initially thought of Christa, I knew for a fact that the little blondie didn't have eyes that blue. In fact, I was fairly certain that eyes that blue were almost impossible to come by.

So then why was the next person to come to mind (Y/n)?

I was almost one hundred percent sure that (Y/n) did not have as bright blue eyes as the ones I'd seen, but at the same time it made sense.

"Ymir?" a certain (h/c) harried girl voiced, "what are you doing here?"

The room was rather dark, and I wasn't sure how I'd made my way over to where I was, but it seemed that I had made my way over to (Y/n)'s assigned bed. It was almost funny how in this room of perhaps a dozen cadets, I had walked over to just the person I was thinking about.

It wasn't immediate, but I noticed that (Y/n)'s hair clung to her face, as did her clothes. If I didn't know any better, I would've thought the girl had just taken a shower. (Y/n) also had her hand wrapped tightly around the locket around her neck and her face looked rather pale. I chalked it up to the moonlight which streamed into the room and her strange habits.

"I... I need you to do something for me." I lied, "I need you to keep an eye on Christa tomorrow."

"Is this going to be a regular thing for you?" asked (Y/n), "because at this point it almost feels like you're trying to get Chrsta and I to become a couple or something."

Though I didn't particularly care for the dark, I thanked it this one time as it masked the blush I was sure had made its way onto my face. I couldn't exactly tell her that I just happened to walk up to her bed in the middle of the night for no reason, but I never would have expected her to say something like that!

"Well, it's either that or we switch positions in the commander's long-range formation or whatever." I huffed.

In a moment where I'd come to expect the (h/c) harried girl to laugh, she instead went quiet.

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