"do you know how to get to the place where you get the, ehm, trees?" harry asked, stumbling over his words as he tried to think while focusing on driving at the same time.

"turn left," was all louis said.

"turn left where?" harry blurted, blinking rapidly as suddenly a billion left turns passed by.

"on the turn," louis chuckled.

harry took his left hand and pawed at louis' shoulder. "stop," he whined. "just tell me."

"calm down, kitten."

harry rolled his eyes, deciding on driving straight forward until lou would cooperate with him.

"okay, turn left right here," louis mumbled in defeat, but harry ignored him, just to make him mad.

"harold!" the boy screeched.

"hmm?" harry hummed.

"we're gonna get lost now. all i can see is trees. look what you did, you dumb bum!" louis shrieked.

harry couldn't help but laugh as louis started to pretend to cry and little whimpers escaped his lips. he just drove, on the road that was conveniently straight forward. louis was right, there were trees surrounding them now, an overhang that caused everything around them to be darker.

"we're supposed to be getting the tree," louis grumbled into his hands. "you've no idea how bad i wish i could drive right now."

harry blushed. why was he blushing? why was it that louis always made him blush? he decided to blame it on the heat of the car.

they drove in silence for about twenty minutes, just listening to some christmas radio station and humming along with it. at least louis was. harry was listening to him. he could listen to louis' humming with his high little voice all day long.

finally, harry stopped the car. they were in the middle of nowhere, the place between the city and the country. the farther they got, the denser the layer of trees and snow got. 

"harry," louis paused, taking a deep breath before reaching out and moving some of harry's curls out of his face, "what are you doing babe? i'm trying to let you do your thing but it's killing me."

harry looked over at him, his green eyes burning into louis' blue ones. louis looked so beautiful it hurt, it actually caused a pain in harry's chest. harry didn't think he could ever describe how louis looked without it being an understatement. the best writer or storyteller in the world could attempt but could never match the feeling harry had in his heart as he looked at louis. 

basically, his eyes were shining so bright, a light pale blue. his lips were dark red and slightly chapped from the cold weather, his skin was flushed from the warm air of the car, tan compared to harry's pale skin. his hair was in a messy fringe across his forehead, part of it sticking up and part of it flat. and wow, why were his eyeleashes so long? 

it seemed as if louis was doing the same thing to harry, running his eyes over every single feature. he even went so far as to reach his hand out and run it over the place harry's dimple was when he smiled.

"we're so lost," louis said lightly. 

"we'll find our way back," harry said in response.


after about thirty minutes, harry managed to drive them back into civilization, and louis told him the directions to the tree farm. they pulled into a gravel driveway, the wheels crunching against the snow and rocks. nobody else was there except for a few men dressed in big coats with fuzzy beards.

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