7- The mirror

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Christina's POV:

"Wh- what?", I said while looking at him dead in the eye, my whole attention focused on him.

"Well, if I'm not mistaken, someone once said we can never be sure of what we call reality", he spoke. "Maybe you're still asleep, maybe I'm not even here", he slowly said with a grave voice.

"Oh, I know you're here", I said catching up to his thoughts.

"How can you be so sure?", he wondered confused.

Extending my hand in a rapid movement, I pinched the skin on his stomach, making him squeal and back away from me with an angry expression.

"What'd you do that for?!", he accused with a scowl.

"You were trying to freak me out!", I pointed out in other to show him I wasn't buying his nonsense.

"There was no need for you to hurt me though", he continued ramping, his face showing a bit of amusement, although it was practically covered by the spiteful look he gave me.

"And there was no need for you to try and scare me after I had a nightmare", I began practically shouting at him, although I was not actually mad.

"Maybe I was just trying to say t-".

Moving my lips towards his, I practically threw myself near him, only for Matthew to push himself towards the opposite direction.

"Wh- what are you doing?", he asked clearly confused, his face full of shock remained frozen on its spot far away from me.

Fuck me.

"I just, I, I'm sorry", I embarassdly confessed, my cheeks already getting red and hot from the amount of shame I was feeling right now.

'Why did i just tey to kiss him??', I thought o myself.

Shaking his head with his mouth still open, I saw as his eyes slowly returned to their original size before he spoke.

"Chris, if I gave you the wrong impression-".

"You didn't", I interrupted again. "I mean, not quite", I spoke while interlacing my fingers and moving them in an awkward way.

"It's just that you cared so much and seemed so adamant about helping me that I-", I said rushing the words out. "I guess I interpreted it the wrong way".

"Oh", he begun. "Um, I-".

"Oh god I blew it didn't I?, I asked no one specifically as I internally screamed at myself.

"Chris, it-".

"It's just that it was nice for a change, you know?", I interrupted once more earning an almost inaudible sigh from him. "For so long I've wanted someone to notice and to tell me everything was gonna be okay", I mumbled in a rush, probably not even pronouncing half of the words correctly.

"I guess I just thought 'hey, this might be your love story just like all those wattpad girls', but I never once stopped to think those are just books", I said with a little pout.


"It's just nice to imagine having a love like that, you know?", I once again cut him before he could speak, afraid of what he'd say to me once he had the chance.

"A love where someone that truly cares for you and has your back looks at you, and with one single stare, they make you feel like everything will be okay", I said with a smile, completely forgetting the situation at hand as my mind wondered off to the many, many stories I had read in my life.

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