6- The dream

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Christina's POV:

My hands were shaking, that's what woke me up.

My limbs felt asleep and I couldn't for, the love of God, make a single sound.

It felt as if my whole body was frozen, stuck to whatever surface was underneath me.

All I could do was open my eyes. Though when I did, I only saw blackness.

"Hello?", I screamed making an unbearable effort.

My voice came out throaty and tremulous, making me wince in pain.

"Mattew?", I desperately said, hoping someone, anyone, would come and help me.

I couldn't move, I couldn't see, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't hear anything at all.

Making as much effort as I could muster, I painfully tightened my muscles, trying to move in any direction possible.

As I couldn't even turn my head, I began hyperventilating, all the worst scenarios flooding my mind.

I just hope the Grim Reaper isn't in the same room.

Suddenly, it's as if a was released from an invisible hold, making me fall out of bed of how much strength I was putting into trying to move.

My head began pounding.

Eventhough my eyes were wide open, I still couldn't see a thing.

Crawling away from that dreaded bed, my legs took their time responding, as if I hadn't used them for a very long time.

"What's going on?", I cried out. "Someone, please!".

Still looking around like a mad person, I got up supporting myself with the door frame.

My chest now separated from the hard cold floor, felt as if a million rocks were rested above it, making enough pressure to consider it torture.

Grabbing the frame with both my hands, my nails digging into the wood to not lose the grip on it, I begun straightening my legs, hoping they wouldn't fail me now.

With a trembling and unsteady posture, I was able to exit the room which, to my surprise, looked exactly like my house's upper floor.

A loud and heavy thump met my eardrums, startling me to the point were I felt a painful tug on my neck when I intended to turn my head and see what was happening.

The colors of the house seemed darker, scarier.

The amount of anxiety I was feeling wouldn't allow me to move, only to tremble.

"Mom? Dad!", I screamed. "Tyler?".


Taking a few ragged breathes, I felt myself move without my command to what looked exactly like the bathroom door from my house.

It was closed shut, but my hands apparently weren't going to give up just yet.

With a heavy push that almost had me tripping, I managed to open the door.

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