1- The fleas

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Have you ever wished a dream lasted a little bit longer?

Christina's POV:

Everything in life seemed to exhaust me nowadays.

No matter how much coffee I drink or how much sleep I get, I still get this feeling like I just wanna cuddle myself and stay in bed all day long, staring at the ceiling and thinking of nothing as if I got paid to do so.

Yes, everything in life seemed to exhaust me nowadays.

No matter how many smiles I give out or how many laughs I produce, my mind tends to go numb after those moments.

The smile I smile disappears at some point.

The laugh I laugh ends.

But this? This heavy feeling on my chest that won't let me walk freely around life... I can't seem to make it disappear.


"Honey? Is everything okay? You've hardly touched your cereals", my mom said with a concerned voice and a facial expression I knew too well already.

"Yeah, mom. I'm okay", I answered almost automatically. "You know I don't really like having breakfast that much".

Truth is, last night was a bad night.

One of those nights were I just couldn't keep the tears within me.

It was the kind of crying that I'd never wish to anyone, not even my worst enemy.

When your lying in bed, covered by the comforter the does anything but comfort you. A hand over your mouth so as to make no noise.
Tears inevitably pouring down your cheeks like an infinite waterfall, mind full of thoughts going a thousand miles per second.

A hand over your chest cause the pressure is too much to bare, and a single wish in your heart.

For it to be over.

"Did you take your pills today, hon?", she whispered without making eye contact, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah mom, I did", I sighed back, not ever taking my eyes off of the cereals.

The soft wind outside collided with the curtains, exposed by an open window, making them move in an almost hypnotic way.

From the corner of my eye, I could see my mom, uncertain, pensative, probably measuring if something else must be said, or the matter ought to be dropped.

Still, before she could mutter another word, my brother popped out of nowhere and hugged my mom's legs from behind.

"Hi sweetie, did you wash your teeth?", my mother asked him with nothing but sweetness in her voice.

"Yup", he exclaimed while showing her a big smile and pointing at it.

"Good", he pecked him on the forehead. "Now you two better get going before yo-".

"Dad!", my brother exclaimed as soon as he saw him by the stairs. "You said you'd think about it", he pressed on in a whining matter.

"You know how I feel about pets Tyler", my father sighed. "They're dirty, loud, and they break things".

"But dad!", my brother protested.

"Tyler Owens, how many times do I have to repeat myself? No is no", he exclaimed while scoffing loudly.


"Did you know that cats and dogs are very likely to have fleas?", he began, making my mother press her forehead against her hand and sigh deeply.

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