Feelings- Tom Holland x reader

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Roommates and friends. That's all you and Tom were. At least that's what you told yourself. Tom was your best friend and roommate. That was it. Nothing more. But you couldn't help the way your heart beat faster around him or how you got butterflies when he called you 'love' or 'darling.' You couldn't help that he filled your thoughts twenty four-seven. Yet despite that, you weren't sure about your feelings. On the one hand, you were fine if the two of you remained friends. On the other hand, if something else were to blossom between the both of you, you would be happy with that as well.

You had no idea what Tom's feelings were. You had a hunch that he might feel the same, but that wasn't a risk you were willing to take. So instead you tried to ask innocent questions in hopes of gathering evidence for your hunch, however, it was still not enough.

You just kept your uncertain feelings to yourself, enjoying your time with Tom, joking around and flirting like you always have. It was a nice relationship marked with sarcasm and banter, but also with Friday night movie nights, the both of you curled up on the couch, often times with your head resting gently on Tom's chest.

Tonight was one of those movie nights. However instead of actually paying attention to whatever movie you had put on, the two of you were sitting across from each other, arguing about something trivial and pointless.

"Just tell me what torments you." Tom insisted, earning an eye roll from you.

"Why would I do that?" You asked, a smile forming on your lips.

"Because why not?" Tom tried, you shaking your head.

"I know you're not asking because you're curious, genius." You replied. "If I tell you, you're just gonna use it to annoy me."

"No obviously not." Tom smiled weakly, earning a chuckle from you.

"I'll tell you literally anything else but that." You told him, bracing for whatever weird question he could come up with.

"Hmm what could I ask that could make you annoyed with me?" Tom wondered out loud. "The best I can think of to make you annoyed with me is to ask who do you liiiike?"

You froze. Out of all the questions he could've asked, you were not expecting that one. He even used the teasing tone your family used when they asked you about this kind of stuff.

"Well then you're gonna have to specify what you mean because I like a lot of people." You replied, trying to buy yourself some time.

"Oh no no I used the tone. You know what that means." Tom told you.

"Yeah of course I do." You said softly. "You want the stereotypical answer or the legit answer?"


"Well the stereotypical answer is that I like Harry Styles." You told him, chuckling when he rolled his eyes. "What? It's a good answer for my family."

"Not for me." He laughed. "Now what's the legit answer?"

"Oh damn I thought you forgot about that one." You said, chuckling nervously.

"Nope." He answered. "Not a chance."

"Well the legit answer is that I don't like to talk about my feelings unless it's actually working out with someone."

"Hmmm lame answer." He said.

"What the hell do you mean? What if I asked you who you like?" You asked.

"I'd say I'm currently trying to figure that out myself." He told you. "So what's your better answer?"

"Well what I said wasn't a lie." You started. "I just don't like talking about it with anyone unless it's working out with someone or I drastically need advice."

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2020 ⏰

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