Rebound- Peter Parker x reader

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Peter smiled as you placed your head on his shoulder, his hand going and rubbing your back gently as you enjoyed the party. Each of you had a drink, though neither of you wanted much more after that. You didn't want to get drunk, like most people there, you just wanted to get a little buzzed, enough to loosen up a little bit. You finished yours, leaning against Peter as he finished his. "Pete can we get some fruit punch or water? I think I saw some cans in a cooler out front and I want a break from alcohol." You asked, giving him puppy eyes knowing he couldn't resist. "Course, babe. C'mon." He replied, throwing your solo cups away and grabbing your hand, lacing your fingers together. Peter got you a fruit punch, knowing you liked the sweeter drinks before you had some water, though he preferred water.

A few songs later and you were having more drinks, though Peter stopped a while ago. He made his way to the living room, where (drunk) people were playing spin the bottle and you were watching. "Why're you in here?" He asked, pressing a kiss to your head and handing you a water. "Thanks. I dunno, it's entertaining." You giggled, kissing his cheek. "I love you, you know that right?" He asked, his brown eyes full of adoration as he looked at you. "I know Peter, I love you too." You smiled, wrapping your arms around his neck as his wrapped around your waist.

"Okay time for a game of truth or dare!" Flash yelled, successfully gathering you, Peter, MJ, Ned, Liz and a couple other people into a circle. You sat on Peter's lap, cuddling into his chest as you felt the effects of the alcohol work through your body. "Penis Parker! Truth or dare!" Flash asked. "Truth." Peter answered, smiling down at you. "Playing it safe, I see. How long have you and Y/N been dating?" He asked. "A year and a half." Peter smiled, pressing a kiss to your head as you blushed.

Everyone else had their turn before it got to you, a girl cuddling up to Flash asking you if you wanted truth or dare. You picked truth, not really being a huge fan of dares high school students came up with. "Are you aware that Peter just used you as a rebound to get over Liz?" She asked, twirling her blonde hair innocently. You felt your stomach drop, looking up at Peter who looked like he'd just seen a ghost. "What are you talking about?" By now, the effects of any alcohol you had worn off, your mind racing. "Oh so she didn't know! This should be fun!" A drunk Flash yelled. By now most other people left, either because they needed to get home or because they didn't want to deal with the awkwardness and tension of the aftermath of Flash's drunken interrogation. "Parker. Truth or dare?" Flash asked, taking yet another sip of beer. "Dare." Peter spit, his grip tightening around your waist while you desperately tried to get him to tell you that the girl was lying. That you weren't just a rebound. "I dare you to tell your girlfriend the truth." He grinned, though you could tell he was close to passing out.

You stood up, hot tears gathering in your eyes. Peter grabbed your hand, despite your fighting against him, and brought you to a nearby bedroom, closing and locking the door. "What were they talking about, Peter? They were lying, right? Tell me they were lying!" You yelled, the tears now streaming down your face. Peter stayed silent, giving you all the answers you needed. "Y/N, I," he started, but you held up your finger, silencing him. "Tell me the god damn truth, Peter." You muttered, your voice dangerously low. Peter continued to stay silent, unsure of what to say. "You won't speak? Fine. Did you use me as a rebound to get over Liz?" You seethed. "Yes." Peter whispered, his head hanging. "Do you actually love me?" You asked, more afraid of this answer. "Absolutely, baby, please don't ever doubt my love for you." He cried, moving towards you as you took two steps back. " long was just I rebound? When did you actually start to like me?" You whispered, avoiding his gaze. "Almost 4 months into the relationship." He gulped, knowing you were beyond hurt and betrayed and wanted nothing more than to make it all better. But he couldn't. Not when he was the cause of that hurt and betrayal. "Were you ever gonna tell me about this Peter?" You sobbed, now pacing around the room. "Look, I should've told you a long time ago. I know, but, I couldn't. I can't lose you, Y/N. You're the best thing that ever happened to me." He cried.

You said nothing else, running outside, the cool autumn air hitting your skin. May drove you both over here, but you didn't want to go home with him. You called your mom, anxiously waiting for her to pick up. "Hey sweetie is everything okay?" Your mom answered. "Can you pick me up?" You asked, trying to mask your tears. "I thought May was taking you home?" Your mom asked. "Mom please can you pick me up? I want to go home." You cried. "Oh honey are you alright? Where's Peter? Can you stay with him until I get there?" Your mom sighed worriedly. "Yeah." You lied, having no intentions of being near Peter. You hung up and sat down on the front steps, wiping your tears every so often. You heard the front door open and you got up to let whoever was leaving get out, only to be met with the face you didn't want to see. "My mom's coming to get me." You muttered, sitting back down. Peter sat next to you, though made no effort to touch you, knowing you wouldn't let him. "I'm so so sorry, Y/N." He said, his eyes red and puffy. "You're not." You scoffed, wiping more tears as they fell. "I am. And I love you so much." He whimpered. "I don't believe you." You mumbled, making him frown even more. "Please, sweetheart, it's still me. Your Peter. I lo-" "I hate you." You spit with as much conviction as possible. You saw his eyes widen and fill with tears as he tried to process those words. You could feel his heart break as you walked over to your mom's car, not looking back, no matter how much you wanted to comfort Peter as he cried.

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