Say It First-Peter Parker x reader

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Peter Parker. The name made your heart beat faster and brought butterflies to your stomach. Peter made you feel safe and needed, he filled the void in your heart that was left empty by past boyfriends and girlfriends. Sometimes you wondered if he meant it, all the compliments, all the dates. You hoped they were genuine, you really liked him, but you had your doubts. Your doubts were aimed at yourself, nonetheless they were there.

You didn't like to talk to people about your emotions. You built walls up instead of letting people in and if someone asked how you were doing you would respond with "I'm good." even if you weren't. You also didn't like confrontation. If anyone reminded you of someone from your past, rather than confront them or talk to them, you'd run from them as a way to run from your past. You needed Peter to comfort you, to tell you you're not alone with these feelings.

The cool air of autumn in New York hit your skin, making you shiver slightly, your hand gripping Peter's a little tighter. Peter wanted to take you on a date, but you ended up walking around the city, enjoying each other's company. Physically, you were present but your mind and heart were elsewhere, reminding you of how you were in love with Peter. "Cold, love?" Peter asked, noticing the goosebumps on your arm. You zoned out, thinking of what could happen if Peter didn't love you and how you could deal with going to school with him, when you felt a warm material being wrapped around your shoulders. "Hmm what? Why are you-" You started, Peter smiling at you. "I asked if you were cold, you didn't answer, so I'm giving you my jacket." He grinned, lacing your hands together once again. "Thanks." You muttered, leaning your head on his shoulder.

You knew Peter was a good match for you. He was so sweet and caring, you couldn't ask for a better boyfriend. Laying down in your bed, you got lost in your thoughts. You thought of Peter and how happy he makes you. You thought of his touches, how there's sparks when he holds your hand, how they were gentle and kind, yet firm and protective. You thought about how you were in love with him. Everything about him made your heart soar. Being in love terrified you, which is why rather than deal with it or admit it out loud, you buried it and hoped Peter felt the same. A vibration from your phone tore you away from your thoughts. Glancing at it, you noticed a text from Peter.

Pete☺️: Y/N? Are you around?

You: Yeah, why?

Pete☺️: I wanna see you! Can I come over?

You: You saw me like an hour ago how are you not sick of me lmao

Pete☺️: i could never be sick of you😚 can i pleeeeeeease come over?

You: Yeah of course, come on over dork😌

Pete☺️: I'm not a dork:(

You: You got me. You're a nerd :D

Pete☺️: :((

Smiling to yourself, you jumped when there was a knock on your window. You opened it, letting Peter in. "Why couldn't you come in through the door like a normal person?" You laughed as he pouted. "I like the windows." He mumbled, pulling you into a hug. "Hi there." You smiled into his shoulder. "I missed you." He mumbled, making your heart flutter. "Y-You did?" You whispered, suddenly pulling away from him. "Yeah, I did." He said. An awkward silence came over the two of you, both of you wanting to say those three words but neither of you knowing how to do it. "I have to tell you something." Peter finally muttered, breaking the silence. "Hmm?" You responded, fearing the worst. "I-I love you." He whispered, your eyes widening. "You do? Really?" You gasped. "Yeah. I really love you." He replied, his gaze on the floor. "I love you too." You said, smiling from ear to ear. Peter's gaze met yours, a light blush tinting his cheeks. "C-Can I kiss you?" He asked, moving closer to you. "I've, uh, never kissed anyone, before." You mumbled, suddenly embarrassed, your eyes darting to the floor. His fingers moved to under your chin, lifting your head up. "I haven't either." He said, pressing his lips to yours. It was awkward, neither of you really knowing what to do. But it was magical. It was everything you thought of and more. When you both pulled apart, foreheads resting against each other, you chuckled. "We'll work on it." You mumbled, earning a smile from Peter. He nodded, your noses brushing against one another. "Yeah. We'll work on it a lot."

Tom Holland and Peter Parker ImaginesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat