Marry Me- Tom Holland x reader

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She wants to get married, she wants it perfect

You wanted the perfect wedding. Something Tom knew you had dreamed about since you were little. He knew you planned it all out and he knew what you wanted. The perfect hair. The perfect makeup. The perfect venue. The perfect dress. And he knew that as he looked around the outdoor venue, that you were going to have your perfect wedding.

Yeah, she wants magnolias out in the country

Magnolias were your favorite flower. Tom knew you wanted loads of them for your perfect wedding and he couldn't help but smile as he noticed all of them around the venue. It was a beautiful spring evening, not too hot but not too cold either. He noticed all the small details and couldn't help but think of when you had told him all of those details lots of times late at night when the two of you would just lay in bed, talking about anything and everything.

"What's your favorite flower?" Tom asked, turning his head to face you. The two of you were laying on your backs on Tom's bed, looking up at the ceiling.

"Magnolia." You replied, glancing over at him. "I want them at my wedding."

"You're already thinking of your wedding?" Tom's eyes widened- he could barely think ahead to the next day, nevermind years down the road to marriage.

"I've been thinking of it since I was a little girl, you know that." You nudged him gently with your shoulder. "You're my best friend and roommate. You of all people should know this."

"Alright, alright, I guess you're right." Tom chuckled while you rolled your eyes. He couldn't help but look over and admire how beautiful you looked, the moonlight outlining your figure perfectly. His heart beat faster in his chest, though he tried to ignore it. He had a girlfriend, Ava. He loved her. But he also loved you, and he couldn't have both. Besides, he wasn't even sure if you still had feelings for him. So he chose to do what you did: bottle it up and keep it to himself.

Not too many people, save her daddy some money

"Tell me all about your dream wedding." Tom insisted, switching to lay on his stomach to get a better view of you while you spoke.

"Again?" You raised your eyebrow, surprised he'd want to hear you ramble about this again.

"Again." Tom confirmed, smiling when he saw you smile.

"Well," You started, your eyes lighting up. "I want a small, spring wedding. Not too many people. Family and close friends. I want my dress to be long sleeve and the skirt to be poofy, like in the movies or on Pintrest. Lots of magnolias. I don't even know- I just want magnolias and I want a lot of them."

You kept speaking, but Tom zoned out. He was too caught up in how the moonlight reflected so clearly in your eyes and how passionate you were about your wedding.

Tom had heard this so many times. But he couldn't help but ask again because a) if he was being totally honest, he forgot all about it and b) he just loved to see the smile on your face when asked about your dream wedding and to see how into it you got.

I remember the night when I almost kissed her

Yeah, I kinda freaked out, we'd been friends for forever

And I always wondered if she felt the same way

When I got the invite, I knew it was too late

You and Tom had gone to a party and after a few drinks, had found yourselves sitting outside the house, gazing up at the stars to escape the crowd of drunk people.

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