One Broken Promise- Peter Parker x reader

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It started when Peter told you about his internship. You were excited at first, happy that he had an opportunity to intern for Tony Stark. Soon you became concerned. He would show up to school with bruises that were covered up poorly. He wouldn't be sleeping, you could tell from the texts he'd send you at 3 am on a school night. Ned never asked questions, at least not around you. You had asked Ned if he knew what was up with your boyfriend, only to have Ned avoid the question. You asked Peter on multiple occasions but he promised you nothing was up and he was fine, but he also seemed so busy and stressed that you just wanted him to take a nap.

"Peter?" You asked quietly, approaching him at his locker after school. "Hey babe! Ned and I are gonna go build his new lego death star set! See ya later!" He said happily, kissing you on the forehead and walking out. Sick of him treating you like this, you followed him out of the building. You knew he lied to you when 1) you didn't see Ned with Peter leaving school or outside of school and 2) when Peter ran into an alley. You watched from the side as he stripped out of his outfit, throwing on the Spiderman suit you recognized from tv. Shock filled your veins as he threw his backpack over to the wall, covering it with webs to keep it in its place before shooting another web to a building and swinging off.

Immediately sliding down the wall, you tried to comprehend what you just saw. After a few minutes, you noticed the clouds in the sky darkening and felt rain drops on your skin, prompting you to start going back to your apartment. Knowing Peter, he would likely stay out for more time, so you tried to get his backpack to bring it back with you. When that didn't work, you simply covered it with your rain jacket so none of his books or belongings would be soaking wet. On your way back, you got soaked, but it didn't matter to you. All you could feel was numbness and betrayal. How could he keep something like this from you? Why wouldn't he tell you? Did Ned know? All these questions swarmed your mind, making it near impossible to focus on anything else.

You made it to your apartment, using the key your parents had made to enter. Judging by the time, you knew they wouldn't be back until later, neither would your siblings. Pulling out your phone, you dialed Peter's number, sitting down at the counter, still wet. "Hey babe!" He greeted, sounding out of breath. "C-Can you come over? We need to talk." You said emotionlessly, knowing Peter was concerned on the other end. "Yeah, yeah of course, love. Everything okay?" He asked, his eyes widening when he saw your rain jacket covering his bag. " 's fine. Just, get here soon, okay?" You asked, getting a "of course, love." before hanging up.

Your thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door, anxiety flooding your veins as you knew who it was. "Hey, Pete." You mumbled, letting him in. "Why are you so wet? Are you okay? Did you walk home in the rain by yourself? How'd you find my backpack?" He asked, not letting you get a word in. "I followed you out of school. I saw everything. I know you're Spiderman, Peter." You muttered, avoiding his gaze. "You followed me? Why the hell would you do that?" He asked, already getting irritated. "I was sick of the lies, Peter. I was sick of you lying to me, and ditching me, and I needed answers!" You snapped, crossing your arms. "I covered your bag with my jacket because I didn't want your stuff getting wet, so yes, I did walk home in the rain by myself."

Peter sighed, running a hand through his curls. "Let's get you dried off and warmed up, then we can talk more." He muttered, grabbing your hand and guiding you to the bathroom, despite your squirming and fighting against him. "Peter, let go of me." You spit, trying to escape his grip. Peter rolled his eyes, getting a towel from the closet and wrapping you up, pulling you to his chest to try and warm you up. You wiggled out of his grasp, keeping the towel wrapped around you. "I still need answers, Peter. Y-You can't just keep putting it off!" You yelled. "God dammit, Y/N!" Peter yelled, slamming his fist against the counter, making you jump. You had never seen him so angry and you didn't know why he was so angry, he was the one who lied to you. "I'm trying to warm you up, since you decided to walk home in the rain by yourself! Real fucking smart!" He continued yelling, his eyes softening when he saw tears streaming down your face. "Hey, love, c'mere, 's okay." He said softly, reaching out for your hand, hurt crossing his features when you flinched away. "Are you afraid of me?" He whispered, his brown eyes filling with tears. "I dunno what you're capable of." You mumbled, keeping your gaze on the floor. "It's me, Y/N. You know me," he begged, trying to meet your gaze. "Please look at me." He whimpered. You squeezed your eyes shut, more tears falling from your eyes. "Get out." You said so quietly Peter almost didn't hear you. "P-Please, Y/N. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He pleaded as you made your way past him.

"Leave, Peter. Don't wanna see you right now." You cried, making Peter's heart break further. "Y/N-" "Get out, Peter!" You snapped, sliding down your closed bedroom door, similar to what you did only a few hours earlier when you saw your boyfriend's big secret.

Peter choked out a sob, bending down and pressing a kiss to your forehead. "I love you so much, sweetheart." He whispered, leaving your favorite shirt of his in your lap. He had stopped at his apartment and grabbed it, knowing it brought you comfort. He made his way to the door to let himself out, letting out more broken sobs at hearing your sobs, and also because you didn't return the "I love you," like you always did before.

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